UBC operates multiple centres of excellence and research groups in order to address complex issues at different scales, and respond to critical community needs. Many of the research groups listed below are interdisciplinary by nature, while others specialize deeply in key areas of sustainability.


We welcome suggestions for new additions or updates to our Find a Research Group listings. Send us details of the research group including name, description, and website link.


Research Unit

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Animal Welfare Program
Bee Health, Impact, and Value in the Environment (BeeHIVE)
Biodiversity Research Centre
BioProducts Institute (BPI)
Centre for Interactive Research in Sustainability (CIRS)
Centre for Climate Justice
Centre for Health Services and Policy Research
Centre for Indigenous Fisheries
Centre for Law and the Environment
Centre for Social Innovation & Impact Investing
Centre for Sport and Sustainability
Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at UBC Farm
Centre for Transportation Studies
Centre for Wildfire Coexistence
China-Canada Bioenergy Centre
Clean Energy Research Centre
Climate Change Health Effects, Adaptation, and ResiLience (HEAL) Cluster
Climate Solutions Research Collective
Collaborative Coexistence for People and Nature
Collaborative for Advanced Landscape Planning
Cycling in Cities
Decision Insights for Business & Society
Disaster Resilience Research Network
Diversified Agroecosystems Research Cluster
Food and Resource Economics Group
Future Minerals Initiative
Future Packaging Research Cluster
Healthy + Resilient Environments Research Cluster
Human Nutrition Group
Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability
Life Sciences Institute
Liu Institute for Global Issues
Marine Mammal Research Unit
Microbial Cell Systems for Sustainable Living (MCELLS)
Microplastics, Health and the Environment
Montalbano Centre for Responsible Leadership Development
Okanagan Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS)
Peter P. Dhillon Centre for Business Ethics
Planetary Healthcare Lab
Program on Water Governance
Project Seahorse
Pulp and Paper Centre (PPC)
Sea Around Us Project
Smart Infrastructure and Construction Research Cluster (SICRC)
Soil, Water & Sustainability Group
Sustainability and Ethics Group
Transformative Health & Justice Cluster
UBC Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research
UBC Centre for Sport and Sustainability
UBC Dairy Education and Research Centre
W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics
Wine Production and Climate Change
Women's Health Research Cluster