The SEEDS Sustainability Library is a comprehensive repository of applied student research and knowledge that includes a diverse range of interdisciplinary, student-led research projects that have used the Campus as a Living Lab. These open access applied research reports contribute to a body of knowledge, learning and action to ignite sustainability ideas, policies and practices, enabling the broader community to learn, apply and build on previous research.

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Vivaan Wadhwa UBC Food Services: David Speight, Darren Clay; AMS Food and Beverage Services: Jerome Vasquez; AMS Sustainability: Isabella Therrien, Andie Bartolome VOL 500 Climate, Food Juan Martinez, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute for Resources Environment and Sustainability (IRES) 2024-2025 PDF
Alireza Khodavandi UBC Food Services: David Speight, Darren Clay VOL 500 Climate, Food, Waste NA 2024-2025 PDF
Aubrey Benson Campus and Community Planning: Emma Luker VOL 500 Biodiversity, Climate, Wellbeing Department of Forest Resources Management, Faculty of Forestry: Melissa R McHale 2024-2025 PDF
Emily Shilton Financial Services and Strategic Procurement, Procurement Programs: Carolyn Arthur VOL 500 Climate, Finance, Materials, Procurement, Waste Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability School Of Public Policy and Global Affairs: Milind Kandlikar 2024-2025 PDF
Aijun Wang, Constantine Bousalis, Lizzie Woodley, Raul de Leon Rabago Sustainability and Engineering: Kate Andrews BEST 402 Climate, Materials, Procurement, Waste Faculty of Forestry: Qingshi Tu 2024-2025 PDF
Jennie Zhou, Liyuan Wang, Nahaz Ferdous, Susan Huang Campus + Community Planning: Jake Li ENVR 400 Biodiversity, Climate, Water Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences: Michael Lipsen, Sara Harris 2023-2024 PDF
Juliette Desvaux, Sophia Kramer, Jade Taylor-Ryan, Jessica Winfield, and Nick Zimmer Campus and Community Planning: Bud Fraser PSYC 421 Climate, Waste Department of Psychology: Dr. Jiaying Zhao 2023-2024 PDF
Alex Stoiber, Thomas Kranjc, Michael Burran, Amir Alimadad, and Daniel Munn UBC Athletics & Recreation: Alyssa Reyes, Chris Rumary, Emily Jarvis, Robyn Willmer, Jayne Blank, Jaimie Griffin, Kailey Zenyk, Leah Pezer KIN 464 Community, Health, Wellbeing Faculty of Education, Kinesology: Andrea Bundon 2023-2024 PDF
Kun Han Goh Campus + Community Planning: Emma Luker FCOR 599 Biodiversity, Land Faculty of Forestry: Paul Pickell 2023-2024 PDF
Santiago Arbelaez, Kabir Hanspal, Mateo Hernandez, Hannah Rumble, Jacob Tecson, and Dan Vuong Campus and Community Planning: Bud Fraser PSYC 421 Climate, Waste Department of Psychology: Dr. Jiaying Zhao 2023-2024 PDF
