What do sustainability ambassadors actually do?

Sustainability Ambassadors are organized into different cohorts, each focusing on a specific theme. These themes are designed to address various aspects of sustainability and climate action. Within these cohorts, ambassadors will collaborate with a diverse range of community partners, both within UBC and in the broader community outside the university. On this page, you will explore the projects they have completed in the past as well as those they are currently working on. Through these initiatives, you will discover how the ambassadors have successfully engaged more people in climate and sustainability actions, fostering a culture of environmental responsibility across the UBC campus.


Biodiversity Map

UBC Biodiversity Map

The Biodiversity Project is aimed at addressing the lack of information and attention regarding local urban biodiversity and its importance for the ecosystem...

Wellbeing Break

Wellbeing Breaks

Developed by the ambassadors from the Climate and Movement Cohort, the series of Wellbeing Breaks is intended to connect students to nature through movement of various kinds...

Transformative Solidarities Festival

Transformative Solidarities Festival

The Transformative Solidarities Festival is a weeklong festival that took place from March 4-8 at UBC to celebrate diverse identities and personal stories within the climate community. As part of SDG Week Canada, this festival...

2023/24 Projects

Biodiversity Map

Biodiversity Map

Developed by ambassadors from the CAP 2030 cohort, the Biodiversity Map highlights UBC's biodiversity-rich locations with the aim to addressing the lack of information and attention regarding local urban biodiversity and its importance for the ecosystem...

Wellbeing Break

Wellbeing Breaks

Developed by the ambassadors from the Climate and Movement Cohort, the Wellbeing Breaks are intended to connect students to nature through movement of various kinds. The Wellbeing Breaks are currently implemented by the UBC Move U Crew...

Intercultural Toolkit (Ongoing)

The Intercultural Toolkit aimed to making culturally relevant well-being and climate-preparedness resources easily accessible, especially for migrant, racialized, and lower-income communities who are most affected by climate change...


Food Systems Video

The ambassadors from the Food Systems Cohort created three educational videos to inform students and UBC faculty about the prevalence of food insecurity on campus and highlight various community and student-led initiatives that promote sustainability and provide food resources. The videos also showcased diverse opportunities for campus involvement in efforts to eliminate food insecurity and address other sustainability issues within the food system.

2022/23 Projects

YCAP Workshops

Ambassadors from the Climate Resilience Cohort collaborated with the UBC Climate Hub on their Youth Climate Ambassadors Project (YCAP) to host workshops, engaging over 350 students from different schools...

Dunbar Youth Engagement Strategic Plan

Ambassadors from the Ethical Civic Engagement Cohort partnered with the Dunbar Residents' Association to develop a strategic plan to improve sustainability, intergenerational relationships, social isolation, and food insecurity...

Climate Justice Survey Infographic

During Climate Emergency Week, ambassadors from the Climate Resilient Communities surveyed UBC undergraduate students and created an infographic to visualize their current exposure to climate education and knowledge of climate justice...