Open access to UBC’s latest sustainability performance across our academic, operational, and community-focused areas of work. Find out how we’re doing, and learn about our plans to meet ambitious goals for climate, curriculum, GHG emissions, waste, water, housing, childcare, transportation and more. Explore visualizations, and download the latest open data for further research and learning.
featured dataset
This dataset illustrates UBC GHG emissions reductions over time in the context of increasing student enrollment. Inventories for our Vancouver campus emissions have been completed each year from 2006 onwards. Since 2011, UBC’s energy conservation projects have reduced annual electrical use by over 13 gigawatt hours (GWh) and have saved 143,000 gigajoules (GJ) of natural gas. This is equivalent to shutting down campus for 2.5 weeks and taking 1,600 cars off the road.
teaching, learning, and research
operations and infrastructure
our approach
With the release of the UBC Climate Action Plan 2030 (CAP 2030), UBC has pledged to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emission reductions by 2030 for both the Vancouver and Okanagan campuses. Together, these reductions will help UBC contribute to meeting targets set in the Paris Agreement, with the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C.

Dataset: GHG Emissions
Period: 2007-2022
Campus: UBCV, UBCO
Frequency: Annual
Last updated: 09-22-2023
UBC commits to net zero emissions by 2035
The University of British Columbia has unveiled a bold new climate action plan to accelerate emissions reductions and achieve net-zero emissions by 2035 at its Vancouver campus—15 years ahead of the previous target date.
The Climate Education Grant program aims to quickly improve the depth and delivery of climate change content in existing courses by integrating and/or bolstering topics such as climate adaptation and resilience, climate justice, climate science, climate economics, climate law, planning and policy, and complex systems thinking.
Dataset: Student Curricula Summary
Period: 2014-2022
Campus: UBCV, UBCO
Frequency: Annual
Last updated: 29-09-2022

Climate Teaching Connector
The Climate Teaching Connector is a collaboration between the UBC Sustainability Initiative and the Climate Hub to integrate climate-related content into undergraduate classes.