how to apply

1. Attend an information session or a resume preparation workshop (optional)

We are offering two information sessions and a resume preparation workshop pertinent to recruitment for the summer 2024 program. Click here for details and to register.

2. Review the program details and the list of opportunities

Read all the information on this page and in the application guide to make sure you understand the eligibility requirements and how the program works. Details about each opportunity can be found in the links below.

3. Update your resume and cover letter

You may apply for up to three different opportunities. Please make sure your resume is up-to-date and that you customise your cover letter for each opportunity that you’re applying for. Applying to the Scholars Program is competitive so it’s worthwhile to give yourself extra time to polish your cover letter and resume. 

4. Prepare your application

You will need to provide a separate resume and cover letter for each opportunity. You will also need to provide a list of references. Your cover letter, resume, and references must be saved as one PDF document, using the following naming convention: Project number_First name_Last name.pdf (e.g., 2025-072_Jenny_Smith.pdf).

2025 opportunities will be posted by the beginning of January. Apply by January 28.

2024 Opportunities

Application to the summer 2024 program is currently closed. The list below shows the range of projects UBC graduate students will be working on summer 2024. A brief summary of each project is available here

2024-001 Exploring legal mechanisms for the transfer of land to Indigenous governing bodies in BC (closed)
2024-002 Research to understand transportation barriers and opportunities for newcomers (closed)
2024-003 Best practices for mapping water scarcity hazard, risk, and adaptation (closed)
2024-004 Assessing the environmental and social impact of Herschel Supply's supply chain (closed)
2024-005 Universal Basic Mobility: Case study research and options analysis  (closed)
2024-006 Quantifying the Benefits of Transit Oriented Communities (TOCs) in Metro Vancouver (closed)
2024-007 Examination and gap analysis of sustainability educational opportunities in health-care (closed)
2024-008 Inventory of the Provincial Health Service Authority fleet vehicles to support transition to an electric fleet (closed)
2024-009 Guidelines for sustainable construction and operation of leased health care facilities  (closed)
2024-010 Research to support a natural environment and biodiversity plan for Fraser Health  (closed)
2024-011 Research to inform the development of a zero emissions maritime fuel collaborative (closed)
2024-012 Identifying "essential" food supplies for climate resilience  (closed)
2024-013 Statistical & spatial analysis to inform a future shared e-scooter program in Vernon (closed)
2024-014 Developing a building energy retrofit toolkit for homeowners in Vernon (closed)
2024-015 Framework to assess the effectiveness and impact of a residential community-building model (closed)
2024-016 Policy and Best Practice Research to Inform Climate Resilient Development in Kamloops (closed)
2024-017 Creating an analytical tool to inform decarbonization of public buildings (Musqueam First Nation) (closed)
2024-018 Information and resource toolkit on climate resilient buildings for Indigenous housing and service providers (closed)
2024-019 Developing a covered buildings list to inform an energy reporting bylaw in Whistler (closed)
2024-020 Neighbourhood scale nature-based urban design solutions to address urban heat islands​ (closed)
2024-021 Residential Retrofits: Analyzing Energuide evaluations and creating emission reduction scenarios (closed)
2024-022 Research to inform a workforce attraction strategy for residential retrofit excellence (closed)
2024-023 Identification and analysis of potential solar photovoltaic sites (closed)
2024-024 Case study: In-river gravel mining as a flood mitigation tool & impact on fish habitat (Chilliwack/Vedder River) (closed)
2024-025 Research on Teal Carbon to inform nature-based floodplain management in the Lower Fraser (closed)
2024-026 Advancing Flood Resilience Best Practices for the Lower Mainland (closed)
2024-027 Using a landscape analysis approach to identifying opportunities for salmon habitat restoration projects in the Lower Fraser River  (closed)
2024-028 Policy & Regulatory Review of Passive Flood Water Storage to Mitigate Flood Risk  (closed)
2024-029 Literature & policy review to inform a framework integrating nature-based solutions and restoration work on the Fraser Estuary (closed)
2024-030 Regulatory Barriers to Nature-Based Solutions along the South Coast of B.C. (closed)
2024-031 Science Communication of Values-Based Approaches in Coastal Adaptation (closed)
2024-032 Research on and development of a public program of events centred on the significance of the Fraser Estuary (closed)
2024-033 Designing a Citizen Science Protocol for Monitoring Mini Forests in the Fraser Estuary (closed)
2024-034 Best practices research to inform municipal water utility decarbonisation (closed)
2024-035 Inventory of emerging technologies and innovations to reduce GHG emissions in drinking water services (closed)
2024-036 Best practices for visualizing and communicating air quality data (closed)
2024-037 Evaluation of current and projected agricultural water demands within the Metro Vancouver Region (closed)
2024-038 Estimating emissions from non-road engines in the Metro Vancouver region (closed)
2024-039 Case studies and policy guidelines for reusable food service ware at events and in cafeterias​ (closed)
2024-040 Exploring the potential for a holistic indicator of social sustainability and quality of life in Vancouver (closed)
2024-041 Environment Scan and Literature Review of Urban Indigenous Service Delivery Infrastructure and Program (closed)
2024-042 Determining the Economic Impacts of the Community Benefits Agreement Policy (closed)
2024-043 Evaluating how Vancouver Business Improvement Associations incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion into their practices (closed)
2024-044 Improving Bicycle and Scooter Parking at Elementary and High Schools in Vancouver (closed)
2024-045 Testing and Adapting an Evaluation Framework for Equity and Justice in Climate Action at the City of Vancouver  (closed)
2024-046 Improving accessibility at rapid transit stations and plazas (closed)
2024-047 Financial Analysis of Transitioning to Battery Electric Fire Service Vehicles (closed)
2024-048 Research to quantify the carbon capture of street infrastructure assets (closed)
2024-049 Cost, Performance, and Emissions Analysis of Sustainable Concrete Alternatives for Sidewalk Construction  (closed)
2024-050 Deep Retrofit & Fuel Switch Projects for Existing Commercial Buildings: Case Study Development (closed)
2024-051 Inventory of public spaces to inform public realm improvements in the City of Vancouver (closed)
2024-052 Standardizing methods for citizen science BioBlitzes to monitor and support urban ecology (focus on green rainwater infrastructure) closed)
2024-053 Develop an Objective Index for Equitable Access to Public Drinking Water in the City of Vancouver (closed)
2024-054 Quantifying food and culture garden attributes as spaces for equitable access, climate action and community resilience  (closed)
2024-055 Research on Initiatives that Utilize GRI to Address Urban Heat Reduction and Biodiversity Enhancement (closed)
2024-056 Research and GIS analysis of urban tree canopy and green rainwater infrastructure to inform design and construction practices (closed)
2024-057 Research to update the City of Richmond's demolition bylaw (closed)
2024-058 Research to develop a contractor toolkit to reduce embodied carbon in new home construction (closed)
2024-059 Research to inform embodied carbon requirements in Squamish’s Community Climate Action Plan (closed)
2024-060 Researching opportunities to reduce embodied carbon in multi-unit residential building construction (City of Victoria) (closed)
2024-061 Toolkit to integrate embodied carbon into municipal procurement strategies (City of Nelson) (closed)
2024-062 Mapping ecological zones and species habitats at Maplewood Flats​ (closed)
2024-063 Inventory UBC’s climate research partnerships with Indigenous community and groups in the DTES (closed)
2024-064 Research and test tools and methods for assessing carbon sequestration in parkland (closed)
2024-065 Research to inform drinking water & cooling station installment and placement in parks (closed)
2024-066 Building collaborative knowledge of extreme heat events and preparedness strategies in Vancouver (closed)