A large 3 year project comprised of a collection of applied research projects supported by the Sustainability Scholars Program focused on restoring and protecting the endangered Fraser Estuary.


The Fraser Estuary Research Collaborative (FERC) has been generously supported with three years of funding from the Sitka Foundation. Starting summer 2022, cohorts of Sustainability Scholars have worked with mentors from NGO and other partner organizations to produce applied research on the critical and highly imperiled estuarine ecosystem adjacent to the UBC Vancouver campus.


Download and read reports to learn more about the twenty-eight Sustainability Scholars projects and their important contribution towards revitalizing the health, abundance, diversity and resilience of the Fraser River Estuary.

Year 1   Year 2   Year 3


Funding Scholars

Climate change, biodiversity loss, and growing inequality are some of the most urgent issues facing our world today. Support from donors will allow scholars to make a direct impact through organizations doing the on-the-ground work needed to address climate change and other critical sustainability challenges..

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Explore projects completed by Sustainability Scholars for the Fraser Estuary Research Collaborative. 

Visualizing a Restored and Resilient Fraser Estuary: A Graphic Rendering of North Arm Intertidal Habitat Park

Ecological Systems
Natural Resources

Challenges and opportunities to accelerate eelgrass and saltmarsh conservation and restoration in the Fraser River estuary

Ecological Systems
Natural Resources
Policy, Economics & Governance

Climate Change Indicators for Pacific Salmon in the Fraser River estuary

Climate Change & Energy
Ecological Systems


The Fraser Estuary Research Collaborative, through the Sustainability Scholars Program, provides paid internship opportunities to UBC graduate students with NGO partners working on applied research projects that advance protection and restoration of the Fraser River Estuary.


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Learn about Sustainability Scholars involved in year one of the Fraser Estuary Research Collaborative.


This report details the planning, implementation, and outcomes from the Intertidal Kinning Festival, a series of events celebrating and raising awareness about the Fraser Estuary, an ecologically significant area facing numerous environmental challenges. The project was undertaken in collaboration with the Blue Cabin and Other Sights for Artists' Projects (Other Sights).

Partner: Other Sights for Artists' Projects Association
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation Grant)
Keywords: biodiversity, ecological systems, water 

Ihomehe Agbebaku

This project aimed to promote the intentional use of values-based approaches in coastal adaptation. The resulting literature review summarizes how values are conceptualized, operationalized, and integrated into coastal adaptation strategies. This report, intended for practitioners and program staff, highlights lessons learned, identifies entry points for integrating values-based approaches, and offers practical guidance to enhance the impact and sustainability of coastal adaptation efforts.

Partner: Fraser Basin Council Society  
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation Grant)
Keywords: climate adaptation, climate resilience, leadership & behaviour change, water 

Emily Rubooga

This report analyzes global and local restoration policies, identifying gaps in integrating nature-based solutions. The review examines biodiversity-related policies of the Government of  Canada and the Province of BC for alignment with the Convention on Biological Diversity, and Canada's commitments to halt and reverse biodiversity loss. The review highlights the need for better ecosystem mapping policies, steady funding, and communication of restoration benefits to property owners.

Partner: World Wildlife Fund Canada
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation Grant)
Keywords: biodiversity, climate resilience, green infrastructure, restoration

Ilyas Kanybek

The Maplewood Flats Conservation Area is home to sixteen ecosystems in 256 acres. The site's ecosystems are at risk of being lost due to rising sea levels and flooding. This project mapped the ecosystems at Maplewood Flats and modeled inundation levels on site to better understand its impacts. Finally, the plants, topography, ecosystem zones, and inundation were graphically depicted in sections. Drawing on this information the reoprt suggests areas for coastal adaptation strategies and pilot projects.

Partner: UBC
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation Grant)
Keywords: biodiversity, climate adaptation, climate resilience, water 

Samuel Kohlmann

This project explores the feasibility of implementing passive water storage on agricultural land to mitigate flood risk in the context of climate change. It analyzes two examples of passive water storage tools, offering recommendations for further research to ensure their viability in the Fraser Valley. The report examines the governance frameworks and funding mechanisms that may support or hinder the integration of these strategies into British Columbia's floodplain management practices.

Partner: Emergency Planning Secretariat (EPS)
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation Grant)
Keywords: climate resilience, climate mitigation, land use planning, governance

Megan Parno

This project aims to evaluate the condition of habitat availability for Out Migrating Juvenile Salmon in the Lower Fraser Estuary. Using a GIS methodology the project uses existing habitat, shoreline conditions, and land use as the base of the analysis. A final series of maps shows the results of habitat availability and accessibility. The results aim to hopefully support future habitat restoration projects to better support Salmon in the Lower Fraser River and Estuary.

Partner: Raincoast Conservation Foundation
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation Grant)
Keywords: biodiversity, climate resilience, ecological systems, water 

Diego Lozano

This project summarises bank erosion issues, along with the different techniques used to stabilize riverbanks in British Columbia. The problems with an over-reliance upon "hard engineering" techniques are outlined, along with the importance of alternative methods (e.g., revegetation and bioengineering) that reduce erosion and floods, while also supporting healthy river habitats. Included are management recommendations based upon both the academic literature and a practitioner workshop.

Partner: Resilient Waters
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation Grant)
Keywords: climate adaptation, climate resilience, green infrastructure, water 

Charlotte Milne

This project investigates citizen science, or community-based science, as a method for monitoring Canadian mini forests, including those planted in the Fraser Estuary. Monitoring mini forests is important for understanding the impacts of this novel approach to urban greening, including determining the benefits to urban biodiversity, water infiltration, and soil health. The report includes a citizen science monitoring guide, protocol instructions, and monitoring tracking sheets for volunteer use.

Partner: Green Communities Canada
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation Grant)
Keywords: biodiversity, climate resilience, green infrastructure 

Kylie Clark

The purpose of this project is to provide a high-level summary of laws governing sea level rise adaptation and nature-based solutions in B.C. This report explores the questions: What barriers exist within the current regulatory regime that hamper the implementation of nature-based solutions along the south coast of B.C.? What sort of conceptual framing of these issues can allow for policy change?

Partner: UBC (Living With Water)
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation Grant)
Keywords: climate adaptation, climate resilience, equity, diversity, inclusion, green infrastructure 

Jessie Gomberg

The project examines the impact of in-river gravel mining on flood control and Pacific salmon habitat by assessing how gravel extraction changes riverbed conditions and affects salmon habitat. Based on a literature review, the study aims to enhance flood resilience and sediment management in the Chilliwack/Vedder River while addressing ecological challenges. It examines nature-based solutions, like floodplain rehabilitation, to improve flood resilience and salmon habitat.

Partner: Watershed Watch Salmon Society
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation Grant)
Keywords: ecological systems, habitat restoration, flood Management, nature-based solutions

Suman Bhattacharyya

The purpose of this research is to better understand the breadth and depth of relationships and networks that coordinated actions across multiple sectors during extreme heat events (EHE) in South Vancouver and Marpole. Both neighbourhoods are disproportionately impacted and vulnerable to EHE. The social network analysis demonstrated that neighbourhood level networks of place-based organizations are the most effective in addressing EHE in a quick, coordinated and community-based manner.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Funder: City of Vancouver
Keywords: equity, diversity, inclusion, healthy city, climate resilience social sustainability

Rajpreet Sidhu

On a global scale, Indigenous peoples are disproportionately impacted by the effects of climate change, largely due to their close relationship to and reliance on traditional lands. This paper introduces nature based solutions (NbS) as they pertain to flood management across the Fraser Valley. Topics reviewed include: current state of flood infrastructure, regional flood strategies, nature-based solutions, organisations that support flood resiliency. The report includes a feasibilty map and a discussion of natural asset management and ways it can be Indigenized.

Partner: Stó:lō Research and Resource Management Centre (SRRMC)
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation Grant)
Keywords: ecological systems, water, flooding, Indigenous, biodiversity  

Tirath Dave

This project's goal was to create an exhibit based on a holistic understanding of the health of the lower Fraser River adjacent to the Fraser River Discovery Centre (FRDC). The exhibit implements a multisensory mode of inquiry and will replace the current water health exhibit. Research conducted included a literature review and interviews and consultation with the Musqueam Environmental Stewardship Department.

Partner: Fraser River Discovery Centre Society
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation)
Keywords: ecological systems, sustainability in education, water

Samuel Kohlmann

The project is focused on understanding how collaborative efforts can be improved to enhance and restore the interconnected systems of the Boundary Bay Basin that lies within the unceded territory of the Semiahmoo First Nation and straddles the Canadian and US border. It provides recommendations on best practices and suitable approaches to advance collaboration on efforts that include enhancing water quality and restoring traditional harvesting practices.

Partner: Fraser Basin Council Society
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation)
Keywords: biodiversity, ecological systems  

Bryce Henney

This report examines the effect of boat disturbances on the Southern Resident Killer Whale (SRKW) population in the Fraser Estuary. The Fraser Estuary is a vital habitat for SRKWs, but limited information is available on the impacts of small recreational boats in the area. This report aims to provide a preliminary analysis of non-AIS vessel traffic and distribution in parts of the estuary.

Partner: World Wildlife Fund Canada
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation)
Keywords: biodiversity, ecological systems, transportation  

Kim St-Pierre

This report highlights lessons learned from Indigenous-led conservation initiatives in Canada. These identified best practices inform future conservation actions and initiatives to support Species At Risk (SAR) in S'ólh Téméxw (roughly translated to "our land," referring to Stó:lō territory). Lessons include: foregrounding ceremony, choosing strategies according to cultural teachings and ethics, and writing culturally-situated management plans.

Partner: Stó:lō Research and Resource Management Centre
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation)
Keywords: biodiversity, social sustainability

Michelle Hak Hepburn

This project involved facilitating and summarizing the findings of the Designing for Flood Resilience workshops aimed at discussing the transition to more sustainable alternatives for flood control infrastructure across the Lower Fraser and its tributary streams. Workshop participants highlighted challenges to moving away from the status quo including access to funding, developing standards and guidelines, as well as achieving collaboration between all relevant stakeholders.  

Partner: Resilient Waters
Funder: UBC
Keywords: water, flood infrastructure

Mauricio Carvallo Aceves

This project focuses on mitigating the environmental impact of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) marine infrastructures. It analyzes EPS applications, regulations, and current efforts, and aims to recommend sustainable alternatives and strategies for an EPS ban. Promising alternatives are identified through market research, while regulatory review stresses clear definitions. The purpose of this project is to support a targeted campaign to ban EPS in British Columbia through provincial and federal laws.

Partner: Surfrider Foundation Canada Chapters
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation)
Keywords: ecological systems, waste management & recycling, water  

Shengzi (Zoe) Li

This report explores the approach to curation of a radio program exploring the Fraser River Estuary. The final program features approximatly 19 hours of audio material, which includes content on biodiversity research, art projects, Indigenous water sovereignty, and economic mega projects. The program is integrated into Other Sights' Currents and Waves radio programming in 2023 and 2024. Short descriptions of the program episodes were created for online promotion and social media.

Partner: Other Sights for Artists' Projects Association
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation)
Keywords: biodiversity, sustainability in education, water 

Viola Provost

The Bert Brink Wildlife Management Area (WMA) is one of few remaining undiked floodplain habitats on the Lower Fraser River. Using visualizations this project aims to communicate the importance of floodplain habitat; support Rivershed Society's goal of connecting a movement to protect 30% and to restore 2.4% of the Fraser watershed; communicate the restoration plans for the Bert Brink WMA; and foster a community of support for the restoration of the Bert Brink WMA.  

Partner: Rivershed Society of BC
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation)
Keywords: biodiversity, ecological systems, invasive species

Frances Ramsay
