In 1990, UBC signed the Talloires Declaration, a 10-point action plan for incorporating sustainability into higher education. We were the first university in Canada to adopt a sustainable development policy in 1997, and the first to open an office devoted to campus sustainability in 1998.

Now, sustainability is deeply embedded across UBC, thanks to the dedication and commitment of our faculty, staff, and students.

Find out who does what on campus, and how we make it happen.

Sustainability Hub

The UBC Sustainability Hub, a staff unit in the Provost’s portfolio, builds on UBC's sustainability leadership record, and works to reinforce the University's goals to inspire action for a better world.

Campus + Community Planning

Campus + Community Planning works collaboratively to create a vibrant and resilient campus for an engaged community on the traditional territory of the Musqueam people.


UBC operates multiple centres of excellence and research groups in order to address complex issues at different scales, and respond to critical community needs. This work is supported by over 400 faculty investigating sustainability at UBC.

Many of our research groups are interdisciplinary by nature, while others specialize deeply in key areas of sustainability.

Find out more about featured research groups, or check our directory of sustainability-related research groups at UBC.


Established in 2014, UBC’s Energy and Water Services unit is a dedicated to generating, distributing and conserving the Vancouver campus’ energy and water resources in an open and transparent manner. This means maintaining environmental comfort, ensuring system reliability, minimizing life cycle cost, and reducing GHG emissions.

UBC’s energy and water challenges are a microcosm of much larger global issues. Climate change from increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and aging infrastructure deficits are problems that governments and institutions grapple with around the world.

Can UBC contribute positive solutions to these worldwide challenges? Can our campuses separate GHG emissions from energy consumption?

Explore what UBC’s Energy and Water Services unit is doing to find out.



UBC’s Sustainability Office in the Okanagan is responsible for the advancement of sustainability on campus to support its development as a vibrant, regenerative community.

UBC Okanagan’s Whole Systems Infrastructure Plan responds to a call to deepen our approach to sustainability through systems thinking. Implementing the plan addresses interconnected issues related to energy, carbon, water, landscape, ecology, biodiversity and engagement.

Find out more about UBC’s Sustainability Office in the Okanagan and the Whole Systems Infrastructure Plan.



UBC Wellbeing is a collaborative effort to make UBC a better place to live, work and learn through a systems-wide approach to wellbeing across our campuses. The work of UBC Wellbeing is guided by the Okanagan Charter, a shared call to action for partners, leaders, and community members to make UBC a leading wellbeing-promoting university.

UBC Wellbeing recognizes that we all have a hand in shaping campus environments that support health, wellbeing, and sustainability. Find out more about this connected approach across academics and operations.



UBC’s Equity & Inclusion Office is focused on advancing equity and human rights at UBC by promoting diversity, eliminating discrimination, and engaging the community in dialogue and action.

How? The Equity & Inclusion Office uses a research-informed approach, education and leadership workshops, and impactful programs to develop resiliency and manage conflict. This means working closely with faculty, staff and students to ensure they have the tools and skills necessary to create a socially sustainable community.



UBC’s Building Operations department is dedicated to maintaining and operating our campus spaces including lands, buildings, and fleet as sustainably as possible for the lowest total cost of ownership.

Among some of the many daily functions members of the team performs, Building Operations keeps spaces lit, the air temperature comfortable, waste sorted and recycled, and our campus clean.

Learn how UBC’s Buildings and Operations department collaborates with other partners across campus to achieve sustainability and other goals.



UBC’s Infrastructure Development department is responsible for the planning, development, renewal and renovation of campus facilities with a focus on creating inspiring, safe, and sustainable places to teach, learn, and live on campus.

Partners across the UBC community include the Provost and Vice-President, Academic Office, UBC’s Sustainability Initiative, and the University Neighbourhoods Association.

Find out more about some of the current projects overseen by UBC Infrastructure Development.



Plans, Policies and Reports

Climate Change & Energy
Human Well-being & Social Systems
A simple bold promise lies at the heart of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): to end poverty and leave no one behind. At UBC, our teaching, learning and research, operations, and community engagement activities contribute to...
Climate Change & Energy
Human Well-being & Social Systems
This is the first progress review on the climate emergency at UBC since the Board of Governors and...
As a global leader in sustainability and climate action, UBC uses its land, assets and utilities as...

UBC Okanagan Sustainability Office


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