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Climate Courses

Looking for climate change-related courses in particular? Browse through our curated collection available to undergraduate and graduate students at UBC Vancouver.

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AANB 551 Tutorials in Animal Welfare Research

ADHE 328 Institutions of Adult Education

ADHE 330 The Community Practice of Adult Education

ADHE 412 An Overview of Adult Education

ANTH 202 Contemporary Social Problems

ANTH 210 Eating Culture

ANTH 213 Sex, Gender, and Culture

ANTH 220 Contemporary Indigenous Issues in British Columbia

ANTH 227 Introduction to Medical Anthropology

ANTH 329 Contemporary Indigenous Issues in a Global Perspective

ANTH 360 Introduction to Ecological Anthropology

ANTH 414 Anthropology of Globalization

ANTH 429 Global Health in Cross-Cultural Contexts

ANTH 437 Gardens of Culture: The Anthropology of Food Systems

ANTH 461 Anthropological Study of Local Ecological Knowledge

ANTH 472 Anthropological Study of Social Inequality

ANTH 475 Racial and Sexual Politics of (Im)mobility

APBI 200 Introduction to Soil Science

APBI 210 Vascular Plants

APBI 244 Atmospheric Environments

APBI 260 Agroecology I: Introduction to principles and techniques

APBI 265 Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems

APBI 290 Introductory Topics in Applied Biology

APBI 314 Animals and Society

APBI 315 Animal Welfare and the Ethics of Animal Use

APBI 317 Welfare and Ethics of using Animals in Science

APBI 319 Aquaculture and the Environment

APBI 328 Weed Science

APBI 342 Soil Biology

APBI 360 Agroecology II: Ecology of Agricultural Systems

APBI 361 Key Indicators of Agroecosystem Sustainability

APBI 365 Summer Practicum in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems

APBI 401 Soil Processes

APBI 402 Sustainable Soil Management

APBI 405 Plant-Water Relations for Sustainable Agriculture

APBI 412 Belowground Ecosystems

APBI 414 Animals and Global Issues

APBI 415 Applied Animal Behaviour

APBI 416 Compassionate Conservation

APBI 419 Fish Health

APBI 422 Indigenous Food Systems in Canada

APBI 423 Ecological Restoration

APBI 426 Plant-Microbe Interactions

APBI 427 Insect Ecology

APBI 428 Integrated Pest Management

APBI 444 Agroforestry

APBI 460 Agroecology III: Synthesis and evaluation

APBI 463 Insects in Agroecosystems

APBI 490 Advanced Topics in Applied Biology

APPP 502 Sustainability and Leadership
