In 2014, we released our latest UBC Transportation Plan. Our Plan brings together existing policies and objectives that reside in a variety of other documents into one comprehensive plan. It addresses gaps in existing plans related to movement, circulation, servicing, and access and includes a focus on on-campus circulation.
Through this process we’ve identified a number of ways that UBC can influence the transportation system and travel behaviour, including:
- Guiding land development through planning, housing and urban design policies
- Regulating campus streets and parking
- Building and maintaining campus roads, sidewalks and public spaces
- Educating and empowering the campus community to make sustainable transportation choices
increase in single occupant vehicle trips, despite a 64% increase in the campus population since 1997

By 2021, UBC estimates the Vancouver campus will be home to approximately 22,500 residents – including 10,000 students in on-campus residences. Student enrolment is also expected to continue to grow, reaching more than 60,000 full time equivalents by 2041 and bringing corresponding growth in faculty and staff.
More people studying, living and working at UBC means more trips for our transportation network. But campus road space will not change significantly. For our transportation network to accommodate this growth, we need to shift to walking, cycling and transit – through policies that make it easy, safe and affordable.
Since 1997, Transportation Planning has been working to reduce automobile trips to and from UBC, by promoting more sustainable modes of transportation including transit, carpooling, walking and cycling.
Walking is by far the most popular way for people to move around the campus. Our Neighbourhood Plans ensure walkability is a key design principle in campus residential communities. The university has also made significant investments in walkability in the academic core through the Public Realm Plan, which has transformed UBC’s campus.
After walking, cycling accounts for the next largest portion of on-campus travel, followed by driving and public transit.
The actions identified in the Transportation Plan will be implemented by UBC Campus + Community Planning in collaboration with other UBC departments.