The Workplace Sustainability Fund is available for Sustainability Coordinators seeking additional funding to bolster projects or initiatives within their respective units.


Do you have project idea for your department or unit? The Workplace Sustainability Fund helps turn ideas into action.

Funds are available annually for Sustainability Coordinators to pursue sustainability projects addressing at least one of the following focus areas:


Applicants to the fund must be registered Sustainability Coordinators

Sustainability Coordinators in any type of workplace setting (offices, labs, facilities/maintenance/trades, food service/retail outlets etc.) are welcome to apply. Applications are open to coordinators at the Point Grey Campus, Robson Square Campus and Teaching Hospital Sites. SC's have sometimes partnered with non-SC colleagues to design and implement a project, though the SC must be the primary applicant.


Workplace Sustainability Fund applications for 2024 are now closed.

Funding application process:

  1. Review the funding criteria and complete the application form
  2. Submit applications via email to

If you have any questions about eligibility, project suitability, or would like to learn more about the fund, please contact


  • Asian Studies: Eco- Skills Workshop Series
  • Botany: Glove Recycling Program
  • Center for Accessibility: Sustainability Study Corner
  • Civil EngineeringRiver of Mirrors Engagement Event
  • Geography: GeoGarden Collective
  • Go Global: Student Education Travel and the Climate Crisis
  • iSchool: Great Canadian Shoreline Beach Clean-Up
  • Learning Design and Digital Innovation: Climate Justice Initiative
  • Faculty of Science: Sustainability Lunch n' Learns
  • Sociology: Sustainability Staff and Student Program
  • VPFO: Sustainable Procurement: Enhancing Awareness, Tactics, and Innovation
  • SHCS: Sustainable Procurement Program
  • Microbiology & Immunology: Lab Coat Washing & Drying


Funds awarded to date have supported various projects, including:

  • Sustainability Eco Challenge Project – Department of Asian Studies
  • UBC's Global Engagement and Climate Change – Go Global
  • Pilot Project for the Recycling of Gloves (Non-Biohazardous), Non-Surgical and N95 Masks in the Centre for Blood Research – Centre for Blood Research/OBMS
  • Surplus Recycling Coordinator – Department of Geography
  • Plastic Reduction Initiative for Campus Farmers' Markets – UBC Farm Centre for Sustainable Food Systems
  • Asian Studies Sustainability Website Development – Department of Asian Studies
  • Library #ClimateAction Movie Night Online – UBC Library
  • UBC's Global Engagement and Climate Change – UBC Go Global and Office of the Vice-Provost International
  • EcoFootprint Initiative – Department of Asian Studies
  • Textile Recycling & Refundable Container Secure Storage Space Project – UBC Athletics & Recreation
  • Athletes Communicating Climate Action: Workshops and Film – UBC Climate Hub
  • Plastic Bag Use Reduction Initiative – UBC Bookstore
  • Mugshare Program & Activities – Centre for Teaching Learning & Technology
  • Sustainability Lunch and Learn series – Supply Management
  • Recycling and composting education initiatives – School of Population and Public Health
  • Styrofoam reduction and recycling pilot programs – Brain Research Centre and the Life Sciences Institute
  • E-waste educational event and recycling drive – Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability


Learn more about additional funding opportunities for sustainability projects at UBC.