The SEEDS Sustainability Library is a comprehensive repository of applied student research and knowledge that includes a diverse range of interdisciplinary, student-led research projects that have used the Campus as a Living Lab. These open access applied research reports contribute to a body of knowledge, learning and action to ignite sustainability ideas, policies and practices, enabling the broader community to learn, apply and build on previous research.

Use the search bar to look for keywords, or use the advanced search to browse specific courses, authors and faculty.

Hannah Tahami, Kat Seow, Liliana Henriksson, Farbod Alirezaee UBC Botanical Garden: Tara Moreau, University Neighbourhood Association: Robyn Chan LFS 450 Biodiversity, Climate, Community, Health, Land, Wellbeing Faculty of Land and Food Systems: Liska Richer 2023-2024 PDF
Mohamed Ayache, Michael Bateman, Juliana Hanni, Yazan Hedaya, Katherine Kostur, Zachary New, and Navnoor Sodhi Campus and Community Planning: Krista Falkner CIVL 446 Community, Land, Transportation Civil Engineering: Yahya Nazhat 2023-2024 PDF
Scarlet Byron Campus + Community Planning: Penny Martyn APBI 490D / CONS 495 Biodiversity, Buildings Faculty of Land and Food Systems: Nadia Xenakis 2023-2024 PDF
Trevor Cheung, Finn Crawford, Claudia Derworiz, Matthew Hemphill, Hae Min Kim, Joshua Ip, and Ryan Leung Campus and Community Planning: Krista Falkner CIVL 446 Community, Land, Transportation Civil Engineering: Yahya Nazhat 2023-2024 PDF
Raunaq Nambiar Campus + Community Planning: Penny Martyn APBI 490D / CONS 495 Biodiversity, Buildings Faculty of Land and Food Systems: Nadia Xenakis 2023-2024 PDF
Ghia Roy, Anmol Mann, Sartaaj Sahota, James Norman, Nicholas Lee UBC Active Kids: Dylan Brown, Kiruthika Rathanaswami, Kari Brackenbury KIN 464 Community, Health, Wellbeing Faculty of Education, Kinesiology: Andrea Bundon 2023-2024 PDF
Eric Li, Xinyi Liang, Peka Mueller, Zhifan Wang Campus and Community Planning: Bud Fraser. UBC IT, Brett Thompson ENVR 400 Materials, Procurement, Waste Earth, Oceans, and Atmospheric Sciences: Michael Lipsen, Sara Harris 2023-2024 PDF
Natalia Wazny Campus + Community Planning: Penny Martyn APBI 490D / CONS 495 Biodiversity, Buildings Faculty of Land and Food Systems: Nadia Xenakis 2023-2024 PDF
Kelly Wang, Delgado Carvalheiro-Nunes, Ryan Harrington, Samantha Konyu, Justine Sologastua UBC Active Kids: Dylan Brown, Kiruthika Rathanaswami, Kari Brackenbury KIN 464 Community, Health, Wellbeing Faculty of Education, Kinesiology: Andrea Bundon 2023-2024 PDF
Jennie Zhou, Liyuan Wang, Nahaz Ferdous, Susan Huang Campus + Community Planning: Jake Li ENVR 400 Biodiversity, Climate, Water Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences: Michael Lipsen, Sara Harris 2023-2024 PDF
