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Climate Courses

Looking for climate change-related courses in particular? Browse through our curated collection available to undergraduate and graduate students at UBC Vancouver.

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FRST 307 Biotic Disturbances

FRST 308 Forest Entomology

FRST 309 Forest Pathology

FRST 310 Soil Biology

FRST 318 Forest and Conservation Economics

FRST 319 Principles of Forestry Economics

FRST 320 Abiotic Disturbances: Fire and Climate

FRST 350 Foundational Field School

FRST 351 Interior Field School

FRST 370 Community Forests and Community Forestry

FRST 385 Watershed Hydrology

FRST 386 Aquatic Ecosystems and Fish in Forested Watersheds

FRST 395 Forest Wildlife Ecology and Management

FRST 403 The Sustainability of Production in Managed Forest Ecosystems

FRST 408 Advanced Forest Insect Ecology

FRST 410 Introduction to Landscape Ecology and Management

FRST 411 Complex Adaptive Systems, Global Change Science, and Ecology Sustainability

FRST 415 Sustainable Forest Policy

FRST 421 Quantitative Forest Management

FRST 423 Forest Management Planning

FRST 439 International Forestry

FRST 443 Remote Sensing for Ecosystem Management

FRST 444 Agroforestry

FRST 452 Coastal Field School

FRST 470 Forests and Society

FRST 485 Forest Watershed Management

FRST 490 Visual Resource Management and Planning for Aesthetics

FRST 491 Visualization and Forest Design

FRST 492 Environmental Perception

FRST 495 Biological Diversity and Forest Management

FRST 504 Landscape Ecology

FRST 508 Advanced Forest Insect Ecology

FRST 512 Belowground Forest Ecosystems

FRST 519 Forests and Society

FRST 521B Topics in Forests and Society

FRST 521C Topics in Forests and Society

FRST 522 Social, Community, and Indigenous Forestry

FRST 523 Forest and Environmental Policy

FRST 524 Environmental Perception

FRST 526A Directed Studies in International Forestry

FRST 526C Directed Studies in International Forestry

FRST 526F Directed Studies in International Forestry

FRST 534 Natural Resources Economics

FRST 547 Forestry in British Columbia

FRST 551 Landscape Planning for Sustainability

FRST 552 Tropical Forests: Management and Conservation

FRST 553 International Forest Governance and Policy

FRST 555 Fundamentals of Sustainable Forest Land Management

FRST 557 Site-Level Forest Land Management

FRST 558 Landscape-Level Forest Land Management
