This Teaching Tools post offers readings and three in-class exercises that ask students to examine not only the cradle-to-grave processual aspects of making and discarding electronic objects, but also the meanings that these objects carry with them as they travel with us through our lives. This electronic life history approach is related to, but distinct from a life cycle assessment approach, which is used to examine environmental impacts of industrial activities from resource extraction through manufacturing to the use and discard of goods.

Keywords: Electronics, Waste, Anthropology
Link to Resource:

Web-based Resources
Society For Culural Anthropology

AASHE empowers higher education faculty, administrators, staff and students to be effective change agents and drivers of sustainability innovation. We work with and for higher education to ensure that our world’s future leaders are motivated and equipped to solve sustainability challenges.

Link to Resource:

Web-based Resources
The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education

This guide is designed to identify the units, lessons and/or activities within the FNESC/FNSA teacher resource guides that can be most readily adapted for remote or online learning situations.

Keywords: Indigenous Education, Youth education, Remote learning.
Link to Resource:

Toolkits and Guides
First Nations Education Steering Committe

Many want to be an ally, which is why this pamphlet focuses on that term. However, being an ally is not a self-appointed identity and requires you to show your understanding through actions, relations, and recognition by the community

Keywords: Indigenous education, Wellbeing, Allyship
Link to Resource:

Toolkits and Guides
Segal Center

Due to their sensitive nature, learning and teaching about residential schools, the Sixties Scoop and missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (MMIWG) can be challenging. This resource combines a learning journey that includes heart-to-heart conversations on healing and moving forward. It also includes three featured educational resources specific to each topic for instructional use, and a self-care approach to learning and teaching about each.

Keywords: Youth Education, Wellbeing, Indigeous education
Link to Resource:

Toolkits and Guides
Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario

The Digital Commons Network brings together free, full-text scholarly articles from hundreds of universities and colleges worldwide. Curated by university librarians and their supporting institutions, the Network includes a growing collection of peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference proceedings, and other original scholarly work.

Link to Resource:

Web-based Resources
Digital Commons Network

Few studies have focused on university-level assessments as means for increasing people's environmental knowledge. The reported research examines the levels of environmental knowledge and attitudes of Iowa State University (ISU) undergraduate and graduate students registered for the 2007 spring semester. A new survey instrument was developed specifically for this study, accounting for local (Midwestern) and global environmental issues.  

Keywords: Environmental Education, Environmental literacy
Link to Resource:

Journal Article
Susan O'Brian

This article provides examples of introductory activities that engage students in initial steps in understanding the systemic structure of colonization. Examples of student group responses to the activities are provided. The understandings explored by students through these activities are then taken up through Indigenous literatures in university contexts in order to contribute to the ongoing decolonization of knowledge in the university and to explore indigenous understandings of pedagogies.

Keywords: Indigenous Education, Decolonization, Indigenous governance.
Link to Resource:

Journal Article
Judy M Iseke-Barnes

The course covers the basic principles of atmospheric science, methods of climate data collection and tracking of greenhouse gas emissions. It introduces basic climate modeling and explores the impact of various greenhouse gas emissions scenarios.

Keywords: SDGs, Climate, Energy
Link to Resource:

Course Activities & Assignments
Class central

Designed as a support framework to guide teachers in their education planning, the guide also aims to support the implementation of many of the Integrated Resource Packages (IRP’s) and will be complemented by web resources to support environmental learning in diverse subjects like science, social studies and language arts

Keywords: Youth Education, Environmental Education, Traditional Ecological Knowledge
Link to Resource:

Toolkits and Guides
BC Ministry of Education

Included in this package are documents, resources and tools to help you in your Environmental Education Program planning, delivery and evaluation. Topics include Teaching Controversial issues in the Classroom, Addressing the Fears of Teaching EE in the Classroom (for Teachers) and Planning Templates for Environmental Education Programs.  

Keywords: Envrionmental Education, Youth Education, Curriculum studies  
Link to Resource:

Toolkits and Guides
Sierra Club of Canada

Use this guide to introduce the Global Goals to elementary students.

Keywords: Youth Education, SDGs, Education
Link to Resource:

Course Activities & Assignments

Knowing Home weaves Indigenous perspectives, worldviews, and wisdom practices into the science curriculum. It provides a window into the scientific knowledge and technological innovations of the Indigenous peoples who live in Northwestern North America, thus providing numerous examples and cases for developing science lessons and curricula.

Keywords: Indigenous Education, Science education, Curriculum studies
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Gloria Snively and Lorna Williams

Climate change. We know. It can feel too overwhelming. But what if there was a show about climate change that left you feeling... energized? One so filled with possibility that you actually wanted to listen? Join us, journalist Alex Blumberg and a crew of climate nerds, as we bring you smart, inspiring stories about the mess we're in and how we can get ourselves out of it.

Link to Resource:

How To Save A Planet

The Journal of Sustainability Education (JSE) serves as a forum for academics and practitioners to share, critique, and promote research, practices, and initiatives that foster the integration of economic, ecological, and social-cultural dimensions of sustainability within formal and non-formal educational contexts.

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The journal for Sustainbaility Education

This is a process article for weaving indigenous and mainstream knowledges within science educational curricula and other science arenas, assuming participants include recognized holders of traditional ecological knowledge (we prefer “Indigenous Knowledge” or “Traditional Knowledge”) and others with expertise in mainstream science. It is based on the “Integrative Science” undergraduate program created at Cape Breton University to bring together indigenous and mainstream sciences and ways of knowing, as well as related Integrative Science endeavors in science research, application, and outreach.  

Keywords: Indigenous Education, Integrative Science, Canadian Context
Link to Resource:

Journal Article
Cheryl Bartlett & Murdena Marshall & Albert Marshall

This volume explores how researchers around the globe are coming to terms - both theoretically and practically - with place in the context of settler colonialism, globalization, and environmental degradation. McKenzie and Tuck outline a trajectory of critical place inquiry that not only furthers empirical knowledge, but ethically imagines new possibilities for collaboration and action.

Keywords: Place-based learning, Indigenous education, Research Methodology  
Link to Resource:

Journal Article
Eve Tuck, Marcia McKenzie

What does good education look like? Despite recent attempts to develop standards for educational subjects and cross-curricular areas such as environmental education, there remains the question about whether rhetoric can influence practice. In this paper we suggest that rather than establish normative criteria, it may be more fruitful to find ways to engage teachers in critical reflection about their own practice and thinking.

Keywords: Environmental Education, Reflective Teaching, Science
Link to Resource:

Journal Article
Paul Hart & Richard Kool

This book explores the nature of indigenous education, outlining key elements of American Indian perspectives on learning and teaching. It advocates developing a contemporary, culturally based, educational process founded upon traditional tribal values, orientations, and principles, while simultaneously using the most appropriate concepts, technologies, and content of modern education.

Keywords: Indigenous education, Ecology, Indigenous Science Curriculum
Link to Resource: 

Gregory Cajete

The All We Can Save Project is on a mission to embed climate truth, courage, and just solutions in education — and to make it exceedingly easy to use the All We Can Save anthology within classrooms and beyond.  

Keywords: Just Solutions, Climate Actions. Youth Education
Link to Resource:

Course Activities & Assignments
The All We Can Save Project
