This research represents one of the first steps in identifying workable strategies for reducing embodied carbon emissions (ECE) in new home construction in the City of Kamloops. It examines ECE literacy levels, building material preferences, and perceptions of construction stakeholders in the city regarding ECE reduction practices and potential policies. The report concludes with proposals for advancing the objective of reducing ECE in new residences in the city.

Partner: City of Kamloops
Funder: UBC (Environment and Climate Change Canada, Pathways Grant)
Keywords: climate mitigation, green buildings, low carbon buildings, sustainable development & green economy 

David Owolabi

Lack of available labour is hindering the progress of retrofitting BC homes to increase energy efficiency. The report investigates the barriers and opportunities for workforce attraction across the following sectors: HVAC, insulation, window and door, general retrofit, energy advisors, plumbers, electricians, and renewable energy. The study includes a demographic summary, a policy and literature review, global case studies, and summarizes next steps for the Home Performance Stakeholder Council.

Partner: Home Performance Stakeholder Council Association (HSPCA)
Funder: BC Hydro
Keywords: climate adaptation, equity, diversity, inclusion, green buildings, leadership & behaviour change 

Ulziilkham Enkhbaatar

In this report, we provide a glance at the state-of-the-art in air quality communication, knowledge translation, and visualization. We then apply the gathered knowledge in a case study by proposing changes to - the most-viewed webpage on Metro Vancouver's website, which is responsible for displaying real-time air quality and weather data from the Lower Fraser Valley air quality monitoring network.

Partner: Metro Vancouver
Funder: Metro Vancouver
Keywords: AQHI, mapping, air pollution, web app, mobile app 

Davi de Ferreyro Monticelli

This project involves a feasibility analysis of over 400 sites within the Capital Regional District to identify potential locations for solar photovoltaic (PV) installations. The study shortlisted 32 sites, with detailed analysis of the top 10, including hourly energy generation versus consumption, 3D solar PV design, capacity estimation, and shadow analysis. The selected sites, representing the highest energy consumers are recommended for prioritized solar PV integration and investment.

Partner: Capital Regional District (CRD)
Funder: BC Hydro
Keywords: renewable energy, solar photovoltaic

Ali Hyder

This project introduces a brand-new concept called Universal Basic Access (UBA) developed to enhance access to essential services through transportation in alignment with the vision of Transport 2050, Metro Vancouver's Regional Transportation Strategy. The report includes a review of similar concepts and case study analysis and recommends ambitious goals and actionable steps to achieve UBA in the region by addressing major accessibility barriers and gaps in TransLink's 10-year priorities.

Partner: South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority (TransLink)
Funder: TransLink
Keywords: equity, diversity, inclusion, social sustainability, transportation 

Najma Nizar

This project analyzed the lifecycle costs, operational savings, and environmental impact of transitioning the Vancouver Fire Rescue Services (VFRS) fleet to electric vehicles. Through financial modeling, case studies, and data analysis, the report provides actionable recommendations for optimizing fleet operations, highlighting cost-effectiveness and sustainability benefits.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Funder: City of Vancouver & UBC
Keywords: active transportation, climate mitigation, transportation, zero emission vehicles 

Seldon He

Road transportation is fundamental to society, yet it acounts for 40% of Vancouver's GHG emissions. This project aims to develop a framework to quantify carbon capture/reduction during the use and maintenance phase of sustainable street assets, including street trees, bike lanes, and green rainwater infrastructure (permeable pavement and rainwater tree trench). This work allows the City of Vancouver to track its progress within the street right of way in achieving 2050 net zero goals.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Funder: City of Vancouver & UBC 
Keywords: climate mitigation, green infrastructure, transportation 

Storay Otmankheil

This project evaluated whether Vancouver's green rainwater infrastructure (GRI) soils, such as structural soil and soil cells, enhance street tree canopy growth better than standard tree pits (trees grown in open grass boulevards, back boulevards, concrete pavements or cutouts). Through expert interviews, a jurisdictional scan, and city-wide tree canopy data analysis, this study recommends that Vancouver ensure continued discourse on street tree integration with GRI implementation.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Funder: City of Vancouver & UBC
Keywords: green infrastructure, urban forestry, stormwater management

Ming Cao

Learn more about the intersection of climate wellbeing and STEM learning and research. This resource may be printed and shared on bulletin boards around campus. 


This report examines four case studies of commercial buildings in the Lower Mainland that have undergone deep energy retrofits, transitioning from fossil fuel-based systems to high-efficiency electric alternatives. The retrofits resulted in significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, demonstrating the feasibility and benefits of such transitions. The case studies highlight key success factors, challenges encountered, and lessons learned, providing valuable insights for building owners.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Funder: City of Vancouver & UBC
Keywords: low carbon buildings 

Kaushalkumar Upadhyaya

This project assesses different aspects of a building decarbonization plan for Musqueam First Nation public buildings, including capital costs, utility bills, and GHG emissions reduction potential. The budget impact will be determined based on upfront costs including equipment and installation, and the utility costs of using different heating, cooling, and water heating systems in the buildings. The decarbonization plan is focused on replacing the existing systems with heat pumps for space and water heating.

Partner: Musqueam Indian Band
Funder: BC Hydro
Keywords: climate adaptation, green buildings, low carbon buildings 

German Ortega Noriega

This guide is designed to assist Faculty Curriculum Chairs and others involved in curriculum development. It outlines the steps necessary for the approval of new and changed curriculum at UBC Vancouver. It is maintained by the Vancouver Senate Curriculum Committee and Senate and Curriculum Services.

Compiled and maintained by the Office of the Senate with oversight from the UBC Vancouver Senate Curriculum Committee (SCC)

Whether you are seeking to make changes or updates to an existing program, develop a new program (including undergraduate or graduate degrees as well as certificates, diplomas and other non-credit learning opportunities), support is available.

Office of the Provost & Vice-President Academic

Whether you are seeking to make changes or updates to an existing program, develop a new program (including undergraduate or graduate degrees as well as certificates, diplomas and other non-credit learning opportunities), support is available.

Office of the Provost & Vice-President Academic

This guide is designed to assist Faculty Curriculum Chairs and others involved in curriculum development. It outlines the steps necessary for the approval of a new and changed curriculum at UBC Vancouver.

Compiled and maintained by the Office of the Senate with oversight from the UBC Vancouver Senate Curriculum Committee (SCC)

Focusing on Vancouver's Downtown Eastside (DTES) community, this report draws on academic literature, interviews with City staff, and published experiential accounts to explore the intersection of the climate crisis and housing crisis. Aiming first to understand the DTES community's climate-related challenges, needs, and resources, the report then offers recommendations for municipal policy and action to improve climate-related health equity for people experiencing homelessness in the DTES.

Partner: Union Gospel Mission (UGM)
Funder: UBC (McConnell Foundation Grant) & City of Vancouver
Keywords: social sustainability, homelessness, climate action, climate equity

Taryn Plater

The “Embodied Carbon of Buildings: International Policy Review” report is an overview of current global policies and technical resources to measure and reduce embodied carbon emissions from buildings and construction materials. 

This report was commissioned by Forestry Innovation Investment Ltd. to better understand the range of approaches taken by leading countries to addressing these embodied emissions and the strategies that could be implemented in Canada. The information is based on a review of leading policy and programs across 15 countries around the world.

  • Forestry Innovation Investment Ltd. (funder)
  • SCIUS Advisory (contributor - Helen Goodland from SCIUS reviewed the work)
UBC Student Research Assistants:
  • Nicole Balles, UBC Civil Engineering
  • Simarjeet Nagpal, UBC School of Community and Regional Planning
  • Mohini Singh, UBC School of Public Policy and Global Affairs
  • Shiyao Zhu, UBC Faculty of Forestry

Keywords: embodied carbon, GHG emissions, policy

Angelique Pilon, Megan Badri & Kah Mun Wan

In response to Vancouver's 2021 heat dome, the report focuses on protecting Vancouver's Downtown Eastside (DTES) communities living in social housing through DIY passive cooling techniques. The proposed solutions aim to lower heat risks affordably and quickly. Aligned with Vancouver's Climate Adaptation Plan, the report advocates for sustainable, long-term improvements in urban heat resilience, stressing the need for more robust strategies to ensure a safer living environment for marginalized populations.

Partner: Union Gospel Mission (UGM)
Funder: City of Vancouver & UBC (McConnell Foundation Grant)
Keywords: social sustainability, sustainable development & green economy, urban heat resilience, extreme heat, climate action, climate equity 

Radhika Singh

This report analyzes models, best practices, and common stumbling blocks for City-University partnerships on climate justice. It aims to inform the development of the CLimate Equity Action and Resilience (CLEAR) project, a new partnership in Vancouver, Canada.

Partner: UBC Sustainability Hub & UBC Learning Exchange
Funder: UBC (McConnell Foundation Grant)
Keywords: social sustainability, sustainable development & green economy  

Linsell Tim Linsell
