The Vancouver Landfill (VLF) Composting Facility closes the loop between collections and processing within City operations, diverts yard waste away from the landfill, and aims to produce high quality yard waste compost. This project supports the City of Vancouver's Zero Waste goal of reducing waste entering the Landfill by 50% of 2008 amounts. 

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: zero waste, waste management & recycling

John Musil

This report discusses research conducted during the summer of 2016 on the potential value of establishing a 2030 District in BC. Information was extracted from interviews with participants and leaders from other Districts and staff from the coordinating non-profit Architecture 2030, as well as from a literature review. Findings indicate that a 2030 District in BC could realize a number of key benefits.

Partner: BC Ministry of Energy and Mines & City of Richmond
Keywords: green buildings, leadership & behaviour change, sustainable development & green economy

Fiona Jones

The provincial government has developed a stretch code with higher energy performance requirements than the B.C. Building Code (BCBC), to ensure that advances in energy efficient building design and technology continue within this new policy context. In anticipation of this new regulatory framework, this report assesses the supports available for the implementation of a stretch code in B.C. In order to do this, existing supports in B.C. are compared with those in five other leading beyond-base energy code jurisdictions across North America.

Partner: BC Ministry of Energy and Mines
Keywords: green buildings, sustainable development & green economy

Karolina Pol

This report provides an overview of thermographic technology and its applications in evaluating building energy efficiency.  By reviewing this report, it is expected that readers will be informed of both the benefits and the challenges of using thermal cameras to survey energy efficiency, and will be better equipped for evaluating the feasibility of incorporating this technology in municipal programs. 

Partner: City of Surrey
Keywords: green buildings, sustainable development & green economy

Andrew Plowright

This report presents an overview of a project to assist the City of Surrey’s application of FCM’s Partners for Climate Protection Community Milestone 5: Monitor Progress and Report Results. The project included populating Surrey’s community greenhouse gas accounting tool with data, providing feedback, reports and briefings on the community GHG accounting tool, and preparing briefing documents summarizing four notable Surrey GHG reduction projects.

Partner: City of Surrey
Keywords: sustainable development & green economy

Ian Theaker

Compared to other intensively managed and diversified farms, the UBC Farm is a highly integrated farm system. This allows the farm to manipulate a wholly contained food system that ranges from food production to processing and consumption across an agricultural and forested landscape. The purpose of this project was to help clarify the farm system components and relationships between them. This involved developing a concept map of the farm system then building a data index and and an evaluation sheet using the framework.

Partner: Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at UBC Farm
Keywords: ecological systems, food systems

Xuesi Shen

This report describes research intended to inform Metro Vancouver and BC Hydro about potential incentive models which could lower the barriers to obtaining an EnerGuide evaluation and label. Such an incentive program would assist in increasing the affordability, accessibility, and acceptability of labelling as an informational tool, leading to a greater understanding of this landscape by homeowners and builders and further normalizing home energy labelling in the region.

Partner: Metro Vancouver
Keywords: green buildings, sustainable development & green economy

Jessica Hayes

The Healthy Built Environment Linkages Toolkit is a guide to designing and creating a healthier built environment. It is based on health evidence research and informed by expert opinion. The toolkit was developed in 2014 for the BC Healthy Built Environment Alliance, a network of public health, planning, and design professionals. This research project was a review of new food systems literature since 2014. The research started with identifying key search terms and databases. Relevant articles were summarized and assessed. The strength of each link in the evidence diagram, was updated based on the number and quality of studies and findings supporting it. A number of new impacts and health outcomes were added as a result of this review.

Partner: Provincial Health Servcies Authority
Keywords: ecological systems, food systems, social sustainability

Deanne Manzer

The goal of this project is to improve implementation of energy requirements of the British Columbia Building Code and investigate the relationship of code requirements with the energy credits associated with the UBC Residential Environmental Assessment Program certification, for UBC multi-family buildings. 

Partner: UBC Sustainability & Engineering
Keywords: green buildings, sustainable development & green economy

Amy Ferguson

The GreenCare team focuses on issues relating to energy, environment and sustainability including recycling and composting at the Lower Mainland Health Organizations (LMHOs). The purpose of this project was to move forward GreenCare’s communications strategies and help in shaping the direction of their communications in the future. It was a combination of both a research report and pieces of online communications content. It included content writing for the GreenCare website, reviewing KPIs to track website trends, creating key metric reports, reviewing online engagement strategies, and developing a video proposal and script for a GreenCare video.

Partner: Fraser Health Authority 
Keywords: social sustainability

Tess Munro

Integrating sustainable practices into health care is a complex process, due in part to the fast-paced nature of health care, the limited resources available to devote to issues seen as “outside patient care,” and biomedical cross-contamination in recycling. This project was developed to support an ongoing engagement strategy, keeping experienced leaders engaged, and looking at more systemic changes including culture change.

Partner: Fraser Health Authority 
Keywords: leadership & behaviour change, social sustainability, sustainable development & green economy

Evan Hammer

The purpose of this report is to identify areas of improvement for the Solid Waste Research Collaborative (SWRC) and provide a series of recommendations based on a comparison of similar collaboratives. The report includes a literature review highlighting best practices for research collaboratives and a summary of interviews with six of research collaboratives from Canada and around the world. 

Partner: Metro Vancouver
Keywords: sustainability in education, waste management & recycling

Shirin Karoubi

To support the Circular Economy Working Group of the National Zero Waste Council, this report aimed to clarify the concept of the circular economy in relation to the upstream waste prevention values of the council and identify the advantages of this congruency. Through a literature review and informational interviews with multiple council members, current practices were analyzed to explore how the concept of the circular economy is being applied in Canada and where opportunities exist to advance the concept further.

Partner: Metro Vancouver
Keywords: sustainable development & green economy, waste management & recycling

Mike Phillips

This report summarizes the current state of science for several priority invasive species and recommends the most effective control techniques for these plant species in Metro Vancouver. Techniques range from mechanical, manual, cultural, biological and chemical control. Where knowledge gaps remain, this report also identifies opportunities for future research.

Partner: Metro Vancouver
Keywords: biodiversity, ecological systems

Li Ma

This study examines a number of external forces that have the potential to affect the industry uses and the demands of industrial lands in the Metro Vancouver region. Overall, the literature highlights that industrial uses are rapidly changing globally, and without a deliberate policy in place, industrial lands will likely be converted to other uses. The topics explored in this study shed light on a number of these emerging issues, as well as potential opportunities and challenges.

Partner: Metro Vancouver
Keywords: sustainable development & green economy, transportation

Dustin Lupick

This report details the impact of climate on the forested ecosystems of the Water Supply Area (WSA) of Metro Vancouver. It examines disturbance and climate history in the area, including a general discussion of how drought impacts forested ecosystem, followed by a more detailed discussion regarding the history of wildfires, insect outbreaks, and drought within the WSA. The report also includes an examination of future trends within the region.

Partner: Metro Vancouver
Keywords: ecological systems, water

Derek van der Kamp

The objective of this study is to review the literature on improved fuels for transportation, and their impact on transportation emissions, as well as explore policy and regulation that could be used to motivate a transition to improved fuels. The focus is on fuels that could replace conventional gasoline and diesel, with particular emphasis on on‐road vehicle applications.

Partner: Metro Vancouver
Keywords: sustainable development & green economy, transportation

Hasti Hosseinizand

This report describes a synthesis of sustainability, health promotion, and wellbeing initiatives at various universities that was completed at the national and international level. The purpose of this work was to assist with developing a set of recommendations to inform UBC’s path in activating and formalizing the adopting of the Okanagan Charter.

Partner: Wellbeing at UBC
Keywords: social sustainability

Alison Cassidy

Health Emergency Management BC (HEMBC) and Lower Mainland Facilities Management (LMFM) are partnering on a multi-phased project to develop adaptation action plans at the facility-level to holistically strengthen the climate resilience of health care facilities in the Lower Mainland. This report summarizes the first of multiple phases of this project, which aims to provide a first glance at the current state of our facilities’ resilience to extreme events in order to identify priority areas before conducting more detailed assessments that will shape the site-specific adaptation plans.

Partner: Fraser Health
Keywords: social sustainability

Jackie Yip

The primary objective of this report is to inform strategies for the City of Vancouver’s private property tree planting programs in order to help achieve Vancouver’s Greenest City target of 150,000 newly planted trees by 2020. This project examines cultural nuances, using interviews, surveys and relevant literature, within the Chinese and South Asian communities as they relate to private property tree planting.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: ecological systems, social sustainability

Gurtej Tung and Elaine Zeng
