This evaluation assesses the health of the market for municipal organic waste (MOW) compost in Metro Vancouver, and thus the sustainability of composting as a regional organic waste management strategy for Metro Vancouver. 

Partner: Metro Vancouver
Keywords: sustainable development & green economy, waste management & recycling

Meghan McIllfaterick

This report explores the role of the construction renovation and demolition (CRD) sector as a key player in reducing consumption of natural resources and waste production. This report recommends decoupling economic growth from the consumption of finite natural resources by transitioning from a linear to a circular economy.

Partner: Metro Vancouver
Keywords: green buildings, sustainable development & green economy, waste management & recycling

Fraser Pick

This report responds to the post-truth context by examining how well Metro Vancouver’s social media content is received by its audiences and how much trust citizens place in Metro Vancouver’s messaging—and what can be done to support and extend the existing facts infrastructure based on these findings. Link to a poster about this project (PDF).

Partner: Metro Vancouver
Keywords: social sustainability

Lois Evans

Metro Vancouver is currently performing condition assessments on gravity sewer mains using closed-circuit television (CCTV) inspections. Due to constraints including pipe access and flows, the condition of water mains, forcemains, and marine crossings cannot be easily assessed. This report outlines the condition assessment technologies suitable for Metro Vancouver’s Water Services and Liquid Waste Services linear assets.

Partner: Metro Vancouver
Keywords: sustainable development & green economy, water, waste management & recycling

Andy Lee

Food waste disposers (FWDs), also known as food grinders, are used for the disposal of food waste by some residents in the Metro Vancouver region. According to a detailed food characterization study conducted by Metro Vancouver in 2014, about 46% of households have FWDs out of which 44% use their FWD on a daily basis. The purpose of this study was to determine the additional organic loading (Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Total Suspended Solids) that FWDs contribute to the wastewater treatment system in the Metro Vancouver region.

Partner: Metro Vancouver
Keywords: food systems, waste management & recycling, water

Frank Nkansah-Boadu

Metro Vancouver’s Smart Drive Challenge (SDC), pilot program was intended to develop an understanding of how driver feedback could be used to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through both better driving habits and reduced reliance on automobiles. This study used three regression models: pooled ordinary least squares (OLS), fixed effects and first difference regression modelling techniques, on data collected via onboard data loggers during the SDC program. By using regression models, the effects directly attributable to the SDC can be quantified while accounting for confounding factors such as weather, fuel price and hours spent driving.

Partner: Metro Vancouver
Keywords: transportation

Reagan Rockzsfforde

Metro Vancouver’s Smart Drive Challenge (SDC) pilot project used on-board location tracking and “smart” connected feedback technology to determine whether short-term driver training and “smart” feedback can help improve fuel consumption and fuel efficiency, and instil more environmentally-friendly driving habits. The purpose of this Sustainably Scholars project was to analyse and interpret the large amount of GPS and participant-survey data collected through the SDC to determine whether the training and feedback helped drivers change their driving habits and behaviour, and drive less. 

Partner: Metro Vancouver
Keywords: transportation

Lena Patsa

This report summarizes and compares tools and methodologies used by air quality and climate change agencies in other jurisdictions when conducting background analysis, consulting on, and drafting their air quality and climate changes plans, programs, and policies. The resulting report will inform the approach taken by the Air Quality and Climate Change division at Metro Vancouver when developing new plans and policies.

Partner: Metro Vancouver
Keywords: climate and renewables, sustainable development & green economy

Laura James

The goal of this report is to give UBC Properties Trust (UBCPT) an understanding of energy related costs and the rising costs associated with utility consumption in B.C. utilizing a portfolio of buildings currently under the management of Village Gate and Westbrook Properties. This information will help UBCPT to make informed decisions around energy consumption and future retrofits to realize energy cost savings and help UBC meet its greenhouse gas emissions goals. 

Partner: UBC Sustainability & Engineering
Keywords: green buildings, sustainable development & green economy

Robyn Gerry

The UBC Farm Socio-ecological Monitoring Application is an ongoing project that aims to develop a dynamic monitoring and reporting system for UBC Farm that can also be adapted to other scales of farming operations. Its ultimate goal is to make farming more sustainable by closely tracking and reporting on every aspect of a Farm’s operation. This document aims to provide a detailed report on the system architecture and design choices of the application’s current iteration (April – September 2017).

Partner: UBC Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at the UBC Farm
Keywords: sustainable development & green economy

Xingyu Tao

Rehearsing Conflict is a unique workplace learning opportunity offered as a free workshop series (or, summer intensive) for UBC employees. It uses forum theatre methods to play out and explore real stories of conflict from the UBC community. Conflict Theatre has provided a thoughtful, effective, and popular way to engage people in difficult conversations, while also allowing them the space to practice and rehearse various strategies and responses to a conflict situation. This report reviews the development of the initiative over the past few years and provides an evaluation strategy for the pilot.

Partner: UBC Human Resources
Keywords: social sustainability, sustainability in education

Megan Ryland

Conflict Theatre has provided a thoughtful, effective, and popular way to engage people in difficult conversations, while also allowing them the space to practice and rehearse various strategies and responses to a conflict situation. As a project with both immediate and long-term goals, evaluation has been and will continue to look different for different aspects of the process. This report focuses on the individual level of evaluation to understand the personal impact of Rehearsing Conflict, and Conflict Theatre more generally. Program operations and community engagement are key areas for evaluation that are discussed elsewhere, including prior reports.

Partner: UBC Human Resources
Keywords: social sustainability, sustainability in education

Megan Ryland

This project supports the Vancouver Park Board’s goals for urban forest restoration throughout city parks and the Greenest City 2020 Action Plan to plant 150 000 trees. Everett Crowley Park was the focus of the data collection and analysis. The primary goal was to establish a base level knowledge about the history of anthropogenic disturbance within the park area, assess the current conditions of restoration work completed and establish general guidelines for continuing and improving restoration efforts. 

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: access to nature, biodiversity, ecological systems

Lorraine Campbell

This report looks at technical barriers and opportunities for various archetypes of multi-unit residential buildings (MURBs) and looks at the economic and environmental performance of specific heat pump technologies suitable for MURB retrofits. To generalize what upgrades are suitable for certain buildings, various archetypes were defined with the intent that specific upgrades could be applied on a large number of similar buildings. 

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: green buildings, sustainable development & green economy

Colin Mingus

This project aims to determine the success of the City of Vancouver’s requirement for electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in new one- and two-family dwellings and multifamily buildings, in terms of the effectiveness of the current code inspection regime, and the actual number of homes that have been outfitted with EV charging circuits under the requirements. 

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: green transportation, green buildings

Swathi Bhat

The objective of this project is to facilitate energy retrofits of multi-unit residential buildings (MURBs) by documenting case studies of heat pump retrofit examples in the Lower Mainland. The case studies are meant to instruct building owners and encourage technology uptake as well as inform updates to the City of Vancouver’s Energy Retrofit Strategy for Existing Buildings.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: green buildings, sustainable development & green economy

Michaela Neuberger

The City of Vancouver’s current direction towards greater energy efficiency standards, combined with continuous advancements in green energy technology, will likely result in the greater adoption of air- source heat pumps as an alternative source of space conditioning and domestic hot water production. As Vancouver continues to densify, the competition for suitable mechanical space will become even more limited and the possibility for noise conflicts even greater. This research project therefore explores some of these challenges and presents potential solutions to these issues. 

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: green buildings, sustainable development & green economy

Lucas Ozols-Mongeau

Implementing fleet vehicle sharing programs can reduce GHG emissions by removing old, inefficient vehicles and replacing them with new vehicles with new technologies that reduce GHG emissions. The purpose of this study was to assess the viability of vehicle sharing in the False Creek Flats area of Vancouver. The report includes recommendations for implementation of a pilot project including a feasibility study, implementation plan, summary of business engagement insights, and identification of potential impacts.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: lighter footprint, sustainable development & green economy, transportation

Alexander Taciuk

Building off the VEC’s success with the Flats Climate Action Program where businesses tackle their GHG emissions as a collective cohort, this feasibility study is testing a novel approach to engaging small and mid-size industrial business and property owners in energy efficiency retrofit projects through collective financing and project management. We anticipate that the collective approach will yield not only financial savings, but also social incentives.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: climate and renewables, sustainable development & green economy, green buildings 

Bruce Duong

Olympic Village in Vancouver employs a number of methods to manage rainwater including intensive and extensive green roofs, rainwater harvesting systems, soil cells, infiltration galleries, a constructed wetland, a bioswale, and permeable pavers. The objective of this research project was to investigate, evaluate and document the successes, challenges and lessons learned from the deployment of these green rainwater infrastructure strategies.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: green buildings, sustainable development & green economy, water

Emma Luker
