Vancouver has the goal of being the Greenest City in the world by 2020. In order to achieve this, the City has created both a public facing Greenest City Action Plan and an internal Green Operations Plan which looks at the City’s own operations. The Green Operations Plan includes both organization-wide Corporate Initiatives and more specific Departmental Action Plans. This report details the research conducted to develop a Departmental Action Plan for the Real Estate and Facilities Management department.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: green buildings, ecological systems, waste management & recycling

Andrea Bassett

The Vancouver Park Board plays an important role in helping the City achieve its sustainability goals, and this includes the “greening” of Park Board operations through sustainable procurement and other means. This project includes the results from 1) testing a compost tea spray on golf greens with the aim of reducing overall fungicide required for maintaining high-quality golf greens; and 2) testing a selection of “green” fertilizers on a sports field with the aim of reducing overall fertilization required for maintenance of high‐quality sports fields.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: green buildings, social sustainability

Emme Lee

This report outlines a sustainable infrastructure rating system to track the sustainability of the City of Vancouver’s infrastructure projects (primarily utility, sewer, water and road work) to provide direction to future projects. 

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: green buildings, green economy, sustainable development & green economy

Ariel Peixian Li

This project focusses on the design and construction operations of the water, sewer and streets departments. The overall goal is to identify gaps in current practices and opportunities for using project management tools to address the identified gaps.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: green buildings, waste management & recycling, water

Raghav Grover

Cycling is gaining speed in Vancouver, and ridership has increased significantly since 2008. Unfortunately, reports indicate that the quantity and quality of bicycle parking has been unable to match this upsurge in ridership. Issues such as bicycle theft, insufficient space, and inconvenient facility locations are frustrating cyclists and threatening to slow the gains in cycling mode share. This report aims to address these issues by focusing on off-street, residential bicycle parking, which is an area of particular concern amongst cyclists. 

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: green transportation, transportation

Patrick Bell

The report examines strategies used by cities from around the world to maximize the use of existing parking infrastructure in an effort to reduce the need for future parking construction and promote other forms of travel. These outlined strategies will then be applied to the West End neighbourhood in Vancouver in order to demonstrate how progressive parking policies can relieve parking shortages while still promoting the City’s sustainable transportation initiatives. 

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: green transportation, leadership & behaviour change, transportation

Neal Abbott

This report focuses on the best practices of design, engagement, and evaluation of all-ages and abilities cycling facilities on commercial high streets and pedestrian-priority spaces to ensure safe, comfortable, and convenient cycling to destinations.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: green transportation, transportation

Alix Krahn

New technological innovations in the passenger transportation industry in the form of “ridesourcing services” (also known as “ridesharing”) are disrupting and transforming the taxi industry. Using available research and data, this study reviews all the documented impacts of Uber, and how governments in North America are developing new approaches to regulate the emerging and controversial ridesourcing/ridesharing industry. 

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: green transportation, transportation

Victor Ngo

“Growing more food in the city” was identified as part of the City of Vancouver’s Greenest City 2020 Action Plan. Various steps have been taken to better support and work with residents and community groups that are interested in establishing food growing spaces in order to promote healthy urban systems and active living and wellness. This urban agriculture manual is intended to provide the necessary information to successfully apply for, design and construct an Urban Agriculture Project on City of Vancouver publicly owned land. 

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: local food, ecological systems, food systems

Anezka Gocova

This report includes 1) an assessment of the future composition and quantity of demolition, land clearing and construction waste in the Vancouver Landfill (VLF); 2) the chemistry of the wood waste at the VLF; and 3) a review of the applicability of common thermal conversion techniques (including incineration, gasification and pyrolysis) for wood waste treatment. 

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: zero waste, waste management & recycling

Maryam Zoughi

The City of Vancouver currently has 24,950 non-market housing units spread over 484 housing projects operated by 208 different organizations, and is actively pursuing the addition of 5,000 new housing units to their stock. The majority of these units were built between 1950 and 2000 and considering the advancements of mechanical equipment to cool and heat buildings built since then, these buildings have potential for energy savings and reduction of GHG emissions. This report includes a non-market multi-family housing energy retrofit analysis, and includes information on the state of the housing sector, current programs, energy efficiency retrofit program case examples, and recommendations. 

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: climate and renewables, green buildings

Hooman Shahrokhi

The report provides information for small project teams on how to access and process salvaged dimensional lumber. It also provides them with some recommended reuse opportunities for this lumber. In addition the report provides recommendations for the City of Vancouver and other governmental organizations to incentivize and facilitate salvaged wood reuse.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Keywords: zero waste, green buildings, waste management & recycling

Zahra Teshnizi

The Healthy Workplace Initiatives Program (HWIP) is a health promotion program implemented by Human Resources at UBC. It is designed to address the university’s goal of being an employee-centered, socially sustainable community, of which health and wellbeing is an important component. The purpose of this project was to provide insight into best practices in order to enhance the programming capacity and increase the rate of success of the HWIP. Research included a best practices review of over 120 peer-review articles and development of an improved evidenced-based version of a stress model for the Workplace Experiences Survey.

Partner: UBC
Keywords: social sustainability

Shayesteh Jahanfar

In this project, we have aimed to understand further how UBC’s Human Resources department has utilized positive psychology, strengths-based inquiry, and Appreciative Inquiry into four of its leadership programs aimed at UBC faculty and staff, namely the  Academic Leadership Development Program (ALDP),the  Appreciative Leadership Program, Managing@UBC, and the Community Leadership Program (CLP).

Partner: UBC
Keywords: social sustainability, sustainability in education, leadership & behaviour change

Frances Narwaez

The report analyses key elements of sustainable design challenges and lessons learned on four LEED Gold Certified projects within four lower mainland health organizations. It also includes a post occupancy study of the facilities.

Partner: Fraser Health
Keywords: green buildings

Mahsa Akbarnejad

Sport Hosting Vancouver is a partnership between UBC, the City of Vancouver, the Vancouver Hotel Destination Association, Tourism Vancouver and PavCo. The objective of this project was to create a viable assessment framework, an assessment tool and an implementation plan to inform sound investment decisions, and bid development, and to support evaluation and reporting requirements.

Partner: World DanceSport Federation
Keywords: social sustainability, transportation, waste management & recycling

James Thompson

As part of a broad strategy to reduce energy and greenhouse gas emissions, the City of Victoria is developing an online decision support tool to inform its residents of the potential benefits of investing in solar hot water and photovoltaics  systems for their homes and businesses. This report outlines the details of a solar benefit calculator that will help decision-making and ultimatley reduce energy use, utility costs and carbon footprints.

Partner: City of Victoria
Keywords: green buildings

Amir Shoolestani

The purpose of this project was to support the Recycling Renewal Project at Lower Mainland Health Organizations by creating news stories based on interviews with Recycling Champions and researching best waste management practices in healthcare. The research also included development of an internal document summarizing the waste impact of the Lower Mainland Health Organizations, including the environmental and health impacts, and mitigations specific to the BC Lower Mainland.

Partner: Fraser Health
Keywords: waste management & recycling

Michelle Hepburn

This project evaluated a number of standards, technologies and methods for new home construction in the remote communities of the Great Bear Initiative Coastal First Nations in British Columbia. Current home construction in these communities does not address a number of technical, social, economic and cultural needs. Key issues to be addressed in new home construction, and recommended solutions are included in this report.

Partners: Pinna Sustainability, BC Hydro, Coastal First Nations
Keywords: green buildings, social sustainability

Dylan Heerema

This report includes a draft engagement strategy for the UBC Wellbeing Initiative’s  “Conversations in Wellbeing” program. The strategy proposed in this report is intended to help build and support a network of students, staff and faculty working on wellbeing-related issues, define community-based wellbeing priorities and inform the draft UBC Wellbeing strategy.

Partner: UBC Wellbeing
Keywords: social sustainability, sustainability in education

Stephanie Aitken and Jenna Dunsby
