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Climate Change & Energy
Policy, Economics & Governance
Developed by a team of faculty and experts associated with UBC’s Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, Sustainability Hub and Campus + Community Planning, the UBC Micro-certificate in Climate Action Planning is designed to help...

Meet the 2024 Sustainability Education Fellows Grant recipients

Climate Change & Energy
Human Well-being & Social Systems

Addressing the Impacts of Canadian Mining on Communities in Africa

Human Well-being & Social Systems
Natural Resources
Policy, Economics & Governance

Should the Fraser River Estuary have legal rights?

Ecological Systems
Natural Resources
Policy, Economics & Governance

Telling Stories: The Humanities in an Age of Planetary Agenda-Setting

Climate Change & Energy
Ecological Systems
Human Well-being & Social Systems


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A podcast series on sustainability and climate action brought to you by the Sustainability Hub. In each episode, we’ll introduce you to what a UBC faculty member is doing to advance sustainability and climate action through research and teaching, and they’ll tell you what they want you to DO with all this new knowledge.

More News

Originally published June 6, 2022 by Peter A. Allard School of Law The Office of the Dean and Vice-Provost of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies is pleased to announce the latest winner of the Killam Connection competition. “Heavy Metal” is a new collaborative course, jointly sponsored by the School...
The organization’s topmost decision-making body is meeting next week, June 12 to 15, and almost 500 scientists have urged it take steps to protect fish stocks for the future. Dr. Rashid Sumaila ( he/him ), professor in UBC’s Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, discusses what subsidies need to...
Researchers created the first global map of where mammals are most likely to move between protected areas, such as national parks and nature reserves. Lead author Dr. Angela Brennan, a research associate at the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, says she hopes the data will...
In one of the first large-scale studies to measure the real-world usage of these devices, UBC transportation researchers found that most other road users are comfortable sharing cycling lanes and off-street paths with these new modes of transport—despite some misperceptions of how fast these...
At a time when most people are closely watching the weather, a unique project coming to UBC’s Vancouver campus could become the blueprint for forecasting insect activity across the city. This summer, researchers plan to set up 60-70 unique cameras across the UBC Vancouver campus and the UBC Farm...
Independent non-profit research institute The C.D. Howe Institute ranked UBC first in Climate Change and Endowment Activities, tied for top score with McMaster University, with an overall score of 4.2. UBC also placed first in Climate-change Governance practices, scoring 4.9 out of 5.0. In 2020,...
Climate anxiety can take a toll on mental health and worsen existing mental health conditions among people who are anxious about climate change. UBC graduate student Natania Abebe , a registered nurse and mental health advocate, worked with other students and faculty experts at UBC to create a...
Words by Linda Nowlan A set of events last week at UBC explored new ways of encountering, seeing, and regulating nature. Two experiential events were the prelude to a workshop which focused on legal recognition of the rights of non-human beings.
On May 5, the Sustainability Hub joined kQwa'st'not (Charlene George), artist, cultural guide with Sierra Club BC and member of the tSouk Nation, for an interpretive walk in the forest. This was a great opportunity to learn about some of the beings that call the forest home, and a bridge to help us...
