Data & Technology
Ecological Systems
Natural Resources
Invasive plant species can cause a disproportionate amount of damage to native species. Stanley...
Data & Technology
Human Well-being & Social Systems
Policy, Economics & Governance
This research supports City of Vancouver's exploration into the creation of potential centralized...
Climate Change & Energy
Human Well-being & Social Systems
This project aims to create a novel pedagogical framework designed to address the climate crisis...
Built Environment & Mobility
Climate Change & Energy
Data & Technology
The project's objective was to conduct research to get a better understanding of datasets, data...
Climate Change & Energy
Ecological Systems
Natural Resources
This project aims to explore the potential opportunities for habitat creation for a living...
Ecological Systems
Introduced Canada Geese eating large amounts of vegetation in the Fraser estuary presents a...
Ecological Systems
This project aims to understand agricultural law practices in British Columbia and how these have...
Ecological Systems
Natural Resources
Policy, Economics & Governance
Over 150 years of colonial development have seriously harmed the ecological health of the Fraser...
Ecological Systems
This project unpacks failings of currently-dominant (colonial) approaches to cumulative effects...
Ecological Systems
Worldwide, bird populations are under severe decline. Climate change, human activity, habitat loss...
