The Scholars Project Library contents hundreds of reports, charts, tool-kits, and more, documenting the applied research produced since 2011. A useful body of knowledge to support further research around sustainability.

This report explores why life transitions (e.g., starting university, becoming a parent, immigrating, retiring) can serve as effective intervention points to advance low-carbon living. Based on a review of the literature and practice, it highlights 10 elements that make life transitions promising opportunities to take action. This report identifies how to use these moments to support people going through transitions, while encouraging pro-environmental behaviour. 

Partner: OneEarth Living
Funder: UBC
Keywords: climate action, green economy, zero emission vehicles ecological systems, social sustainability, sustainable development & green economy 

Kim St-Pierre

Working Gear is a volunteer-run charity located in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside (DTES). They provide workwear, safety gear and services (e.g., haircuts) free of charge to low-income and unemployed individuals as they transition back into the workforce. The purpose of this project was to examine Working Gear's clothing donation program to evaluate its environmental and economic impact. Through a comprehensive literature review, organizational assessment, and the development of an evaluation framework, this project created a valuable tool for other organizations to assess their social and environmental impact. Additionally, the project suggests strategies to enhance Working Gear's initiatives and increase its positive impact on society.

Partner: Working Gear
Funder: UBC
Keywords: social sustainability, sustainable development & green economy, fast fashion, textile industry, clothing recycling, clothing recirculation

Raj Chaudhary

The project examines policies and programs currently in place to promote energy-efficiency retrofits and fuel-switching in residential homes across British Columbia, with a particular focus on effectiveness and equity. After identifying several shortcomings, the study reviews residential sector decarbonization policies implemented in other jurisdictions, as well as those recommended in the academic literature, and proposes policy pathways to advance equitable decarbonization in British Columbia.

Partner: Ecotrust Canada
Funder: Ecotrust Canada
Keywords: sustainable development & green economy, building retrofits, equitable decarbonization

Margaryta Pustova

This study investigates the current state of heat pump adoption in the Township of Langley by conducting and analyzing data from two surveys (one for residents, including both heat pump users and non-users and one for HVAC contractors) to help meet the Township's Climate Action Strategy goals. Six high-level recommendations for the Township and other BC municipalities are given at the end of the report.

Partner: Township of Langley
Funder: Township of Langley
Keywords: green buildings, heat pump

Jannatul Ferdous

World DanceSport Federation (WDSF) is the sole governing body for all DanceSport related activities recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The 2024 Olympic games will be the first Games a DanceSport discipline participates in the Medal Programme. A key priority of the Olympic agenda is Sustainability. This report serves as a recommendation and implementation schedule of sustainable practices for WDSF to adopt and a tool to amend existing WDSF sustainability policies and goals.

Partner: World DanceSport Federation
Funder: World DanceSport Federation
Keywords: leadership & behaviour change, social sustainability, sustainable development & green economy 

Celeste Pomerantz

This project developed a framework to evaluate the environmental impact of equipment purchasing in healthcare. The framework consisted of four phases: classifying equipment, literature review, impact calculation, and result interpretation. The developed framework can assist the procurement team in making informed decisions that contribute to sustainability. The framework's strengths include the classification of equipment based on its intended use duration and the use of the spend-based method.

Partner: Vancouver Coastal Health
Funder: Vancouver Coastal Health
Keywords: supply chain management & green procurement 

Pooya Pourreza

This project aims to help improve tenants' rights to energy efficient, climate resilient, and safe housing through policy amendments and program activation. It considers effectiveness, feasibility, and tenant justice in its suggestions. The report includes recommendations for BC policymakers that quantify and track rental housing stock, increase transparency, improve rental housing standards, and provide supports so that retrofits are not at expense of housing stability and affordability.

Partner: Ecotrust Canada
Funder: Ecotrust Canada
Keywords: Economics & Governance, rental housing, energy poverty, tenants' rights

Maya Korbynn

This report assessed the current climate of women's health and safety in Atira managed single residence occupancy (SRO) buildings, known for substandard living conditions, in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside. A series of structured interviews and a self-reported survey by female residents indicated that many don't feel safe in SROs. Main concerns were violence resulting from illicit drug possession, sex work and partners.  Recommendations to enhance women's safety in SROs were made.

Partner: Atira Women's Resource Society
Funder: Atira Women's Resource Society
Keywords:  Women, safety, health equity

Maram Alkawaja

The purpose of this project is to provide nurses in the Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment BC (CANE BC) with tools and strategies to use their trusted voices to mobilize climate action through social media with confidence, thereby directly engendering progress toward the promotion of planetary health.

Partner: Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment 
Funder: UBC
Keywords: leadership & behaviour change, sustainable development & green economy, Nurses & Planetary Health

Karthik Anand Chinta

This report sets out to better understand density transfer mechanisms in BC and the Coastal Douglas-Fir biogeoclimatic zone, and their potential as a policy tool for conserving valuable forests and supporting affordable housing provision. Includes a scan of current density transfer policies in regional Official Community Plans, a discussion of experiences and insights from case studies, and proposed considerations and next steps for potential wider application of density transfer policies. 

Project Partner: Coastal Douglas-fir Conservation Partnership 
Funding Partner: UBC
Keywords: biodiversity, land use planning, climate change, affordable housing

Derrick Teo

This project aims to understand how to motivate climate action from people concerned about climate change but do not change their behaviour. This report includes summaries of other household climate action projects and evaluates the first phase of the Nanaimo Climate Pledge: who took the pledge, which actions people are most willing to take, and the effectiveness of different outreach methods.

Partner: Nanaimo Climate Action Hub Society
Funder: UBC
Keywords: leadership & behaviour change, social sustainability, climate action

Michelle Hak Hepburn

Invasive plant species can cause a disproportionate amount of damage to native species. Stanley Park is especially vulnerable to invasive plants, due to the cumulative pressures of climate change and urbanization. In this project, we use a data-driven approach to strategically manage the spread of invasive plants. To do so, a citizen science database is used to delineate zones of high invasive plant densities, and pinpoint areas in need of active worksites.

Partner: Stanley Park Ecology Society
Funder: UBC
Keywords: ecological systems, invasive species

Sammy Alkhalifa

This research supports City of Vancouver's exploration into the creation of potential centralized datasets and maps that illustrate how various equity indicators (e.g., gender identity, racial identity, income, etc.) overlay with climate policy indicators (e.g., access to transit options, tree canopy, etc.). This report is intended to serve as a starting point for further interdepartmental conversations among City staff about the opportunities and risks of mapping equity-denied populations.

Partner: City of Vancouver
Funder: City of Vancouver & UBC
Keywords: equity, diversity, inclusion, land use planning, social planning, climate policy, mapping

Alexandra Gaspar

This project aims to create a novel pedagogical framework designed to address the climate crisis through kindness and compassion for the planet and one another. By documenting successful teaching pedagogies in both climate education and kindness education, this novel pedagogy synthesizes a vast body of educational research in an effort to create actionable strategies for teachers. This novel pedagogical framework was infused into EDCP 349, a B.Ed. course at the University of British Columbia. 

Partner: UBC
Funder: UBC Sustainability Hub
Keywords: sustainability in education 

Henry Johnston

The project's objective was to conduct research to get a better understanding of datasets, data sources, and the accessibility of climate risk data and to provide a set of recommendations to try to include climate risk data into GRID - a building energy benchmarking software. Key questions pertaining to key climate risk datasets, stakeholders, and existing gaps in climate risk data are addressed.

Partner: OPEN Regenerative Technologies
Funder: OPEN Regenerative Technologies
Keywords:  green buildings, climate risk, data

Teresa Amiama

This project aims to explore the potential opportunities for habitat creation for a living breakwater to be constructed from Biorock, both for biodiversity enhancement and for protecting Iona Island from sea level rise. It also seeks to offer recommendations for the design of a Biorock breakwater to support the specific habitat needs of local species, including fish, shellfish, seagrass and kelp.

Partner: Metro Vancouver
Funder: Metro Vancouver
Keywords: climate adaptation, biodiversity, ecological systems, water, sea level rise, living shoreline

Emma Gosselin

Introduced Canada Geese eating large amounts of vegetation in the Fraser estuary presents a conservation challenge. Loss of tidal marsh habitat caused by Canada Geese is occurring throughout the Fraser estuary, threatening salmon and ecological processes, and various cultural and economic values. This report documents the history and significance of this conservation challenge and presents findings that support the need for habitat restoration and collaborative stewardship in the Fraser estuary.

Partner: UBC Sustainability Hub
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation)
Keywords:  biodiversity, conservation, restoration

Dominic Janus
This project aims to understand agricultural law practices in British Columbia and how these have affected indigenous food security and sovereignty. This project examined historical land-use changes in the province as well as indigenous food systems. In an effort to rebuild an inclusive, nutritious, and resilient food system in the province, we have outlined recommendations for laws and policies. We hope this report will stimulate meaningful dialogue.

Partner: West Coast Environmental Law
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation)
Keywords: food security, food sovereignty, Indigenous food systems, ALR (Agriculture Land Reserve)

Jessica Mukiri

Over 150 years of colonial development have seriously harmed the ecological health of the Fraser estuary through destruction, harmful modification, and pollution of its lands and waters. This report focuses on one component of 'routine' planning and management in the estuary “land use plans“ by providing consolidated information about how shorelines are presently being managed in the estuary with regard to ecological health. 

Partner: West Coast Environmental Law
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation)
Keywords: biodiversity, ecological systems, sustainable development & green economy

Audrey Irvine-Broque

This project unpacks failings of currently-dominant (colonial) approaches to cumulative effects assessment and management and explores Indigenous-centric alternatives to support the Salish Sea Indigenous Guardians Association (SSIGA) in developing an Indigenous-centric cumulative effects framework. One that supports sustainable decision-making for the long-term holistic health of the Fraser River Estuary, in ways that center and empower the laws, ways of knowing, being, doing and valuing of member Nations. Findings are based on integrative literature review and iterative workshops with experts. 
To respect Indigenous knowledge governance the final report is confidential, but the Executive Summary is shared here and includes summaries of key shifts required, recommendations for various actors involved, and areas recommended for future research.

Partner: Salish Sea Indigenous Guardians Association (SSIGA)
Funder: UBC (Sitka Foundation)
Keywords: biodiversity, restoration, conservation

Jennifer Cutbill
