Built Environment & Mobility
Data & Technology
This project aims to benchmark the monthly non-exhaust emissions from tire wear and brake wear of...
Built Environment & Mobility
Human Well-being & Social Systems
Policy, Economics & Governance
This project aims to understand and define best practices for a just transition in Vancouver. The...
Built Environment & Mobility
Climate Change & Energy
This project supports the development of guidelines meant to assist homeowners during energy...
Built Environment & Mobility
Climate Change & Energy
The purpose of this project is to identify the challenges involved in retrofitting electric vehicle...
Built Environment & Mobility
Climate Change & Energy
Policy, Economics & Governance
This report offers recommendations in support of an Electric Vehicle (EV) strategy for the City of...
Built Environment & Mobility
Climate Change & Energy
Policy, Economics & Governance
The purpose of this project is to define and map the BC-based low/no carbon clean/green-tech...
Built Environment & Mobility
Climate Change & Energy
Policy, Economics & Governance
Managed charging and energy storage can offer many benefits and electric vehicles are increasingly...
Built Environment & Mobility
Climate Change & Energy
Production, Consumption & Waste
This project compiled datasets from 53 participating projects from a Near-Zero Emissions Buildings...
Built Environment & Mobility
Climate Change & Energy
This project aims to develop articles on advancing deep emissions retrofits by analyzing four...
Built Environment & Mobility
Climate Change & Energy
Data & Technology
This project aims to design and develop a prototype tool to enable automatic extraction and...