With over 400 faculty investigating sustainability-related topics at UBC, it can be hard to know where to start. We’ve curated a list of researchers with expertise across a wide range of disciplines.

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Forestry (Vancouver)
Forest and Conservation Sciences
Beaty Biodiversity Research Centre; cofounder of Treenomix (a foundation of genomics knowledge; promotes forest health and sustainable forest stewardship for future generations)
Arts (Vancouver)
Colonial Legal History; Critical Theory; Race and Racism; Oceans and Maritime Worlds; Focused on global food production, climate change, and forms of war, this project draws from anticolonial...
Forestry (Vancouver)
Forest Resources Management
Climate change planning, outreach, and community engagement; visioning methods and visualization of climate change causes, impacts, and mitigation/adaptation; low-carbon future scenarios visualized...

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Bottorff, Joan

FHSD (Okanagan)

Bourbonnais, Mathieu

FoS (Okanagan)
movement ecology, wildfire

Bowie, William

Medicine (Vancouver)
Division of Infectious Diseases
Climate change, environmental degredation, inequities and infection, Social, economic and environmental factors which put people at risk for infection

Boyd, David

Science (Vancouver)
Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability | School of Public Policy and Global Affairs
Environmental justice, environmental rights and responsibilities, the rights of nature, the debate between regulation and economic instruments, urban environmental issues

Brauer, Mike

Medicine (Vancouver)
School of Population and Public Health
Air quality research in environmental and occupational exposure assessment with regards to health effects. Air pollution from transportation, vegetation fires and indoor, the air quality in Asia and the development of sampling and analysis methods for air pollutants.

Braun, John

FoS (Okanagan)
computational statistics with applications to fire science

Brauner, Colin

Science (Vancouver)
Environmental adaptations (both mechanistic and evolutionary) in relation to gas-exchange, acid-base balance and ion regulation in fish

Brinkerhoff, Joshua

Engineering (Okanagan)
renewable energy

Brondani, Mario

Dentistry (Vancouver)
Oral Health Sciences
Community Health / Public Health; Social Determinants of Health; Dental Public Health; Access to care; Outreach initiatives within marginalised communities, community engagement/participatory research, and oral health promotion and policy development

Brown, Helen

Applied Science (Vancouver)
School of Nursing
Ethics and equity in relation to neonatal and maternity care and community health promotion in rural communities; trauma and social inequity for vulnerable rural women, Indigenous knowledge and community health action

Brown, Loch

Arts (Vancouver)
Theory and practice of sustainable development; development-related challenges facing Sub-Saharan Africa; human environment interactions; sustainability

Brown, Sandra

Land and Food Systems (Vancouver)
Land and Food Systems
Soil science education, climate change, water resources, water governance

Browne, Annette

Applied Science (Vancouver)
School of Nursing
Health inequalities, indigenous peoples, women's health, cultural safety, primary health care interventions to improve health outcomes, marginalized populations, health policy

Brumer, Harry

Science (Vancouver)
Michael Smith Laboratories
Fundamental and applied carbohydrate enzymology; understand the way in which particular enzymes act to alter the structure of polysaccharides found in biomass (especially plant cell walls and wood fibers); molecular details of polysaccharide synthesis and deconstruction in recycling of biomass in the global carbon cycle; improved use of renewable biomass resources in the forest products, agricultural, and textile industries.

Bryson, Mary

Education (Vancouver)
Language and Literacy Education
Communication, gender, sexuality, culture, informatics, media, health informatics, technology, and women's issues

Buchanan, Marla

Education (Vancouver)
Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education
Counsellor Stress, Narrative Inquiry, School Counselling, Traumatic Stress

Bulkan, Janette

Forestry (Vancouver)
Forest Resources Management
Community Forestry; Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD); illegal logging; forest certification systems; social and cultural indicators of sustainable forest management

Bull, Gary

Forestry (Vancouver)
Forest Resources Management
Economics of ecosystem services; Modelling the impacts of biotechnology; Sustainability in fibre supply chains

Bungay, Victoria

Applied Science (Vancouver)
School of Nursing
Health inequities affecting men and women working in the commercial sex industry and people who are street-involved

Burgess, Mike

Medicine (Vancouver)
School of Population and Public Health
Ethical and social dimensions of genetic testing, knowledge, commercialization; democratizing the governance of genomics; impacts on biotechnology (health, agriculture and environment);
