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Climate Change & Energy
Policy, Economics & Governance
Developed by a team of faculty and experts associated with UBC’s Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, Sustainability Hub and Campus + Community Planning, the UBC Micro-certificate in Climate Action Planning is designed to help...

Meet the 2024 Sustainability Education Fellows Grant recipients

Climate Change & Energy
Human Well-being & Social Systems

Addressing the Impacts of Canadian Mining on Communities in Africa

Human Well-being & Social Systems
Natural Resources
Policy, Economics & Governance

Should the Fraser River Estuary have legal rights?

Ecological Systems
Natural Resources
Policy, Economics & Governance

Telling Stories: The Humanities in an Age of Planetary Agenda-Setting

Climate Change & Energy
Ecological Systems
Human Well-being & Social Systems


Sign up for UBC Sustainability’s Newsletter to be the first to find out about sustainability-related events, courses, research, internships, funding, volunteering, and other opportunities.


A podcast series on sustainability and climate action brought to you by the Sustainability Hub. In each episode, we’ll introduce you to what a UBC faculty member is doing to advance sustainability and climate action through research and teaching, and they’ll tell you what they want you to DO with all this new knowledge.

More News

The University of British Columbia today forged a formal partnership with Germany’s Fraunhofer, Europe’s largest research institution for applied research, to focus on renewable-energy technologies. UBC President Stephen Toope and Fraunhofer Senior Vice President Research Planning Ulrich Buller...
A recent survey conducted by students at the Sauder School of Business focusing on the UBC community’s relationship with Fair Trade, and what knowledge exists around Fair Trade practice, found that of those surveyed, over 25 per cent do not understand the concept and 46 per cent never see any...
A new energy-saving campaign is targeting scientific researchers on campus. By one simple action — closing laboratory fume hoods — they can save an astounding amount of electricity, and contribute to UBC’s ambitious sustainability goals. “We use it for chemicals, not for tissue culture; anything...
Thirteen passionate undergraduate students from six different faculties will team-up with the Sustainability Student Advisor to deliver innovative and engaging sustainability programming to UBC students, starting September, 2012. The Sustainability Ambassadors Peer Program is a new leadership...
Work has begun on a new $85-million clean energy system that will dramatically reduce UBC’s greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption. When it’s completed in 2017, the new hot-water system will heat 130 buildings on campus — and replace the aging steam system, parts of which are nearly a...
As the Representative of Musqueam Nation, who hold the underlying title to this land, and on behalf of your host – the University of British Columbia – I welcome you to the Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability. It is a singular honor to speak here today on behalf of my ancestors, and...
Consider the Urban Aboriginal Community Kitchen Garden Project, which is organized by the Vancouver Native Health Society. Hundreds of participants – many from Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside – regularly make the trek to UBC Farm which involves carpooling or taking the bus to UBC’s south campus. They...
In May 2011, UBC was named Canada’s first “Fair Trade Campus” as a result of its national leadership on Fair Trade purchasing. To better understand the community’s purchasing habits and its general appetite and awareness of Fair Trade products, key sustainability organizations across campus like...
The University of British Columbia has opened the most sustainable building in North America, a $37-million “living laboratory” that will help to regenerate the environment and advance research and innovation on global sustainability challenges. The Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability...
Typically at UBC, we talk about building over surface parking lots and discouraging vehicle traffic to and from campus while promoting sustainable alternatives like public transit. It’s rare for us to get an opportunity to talk about how parking on campus is helping UBC meet its commitment to...
