For the week of October 15–19, the SUB will be transformed into a gallery of sustainability. Every day the main floor will house the New SUB Sustainability Art Showcase, an exhibition of four working prototypes designed to engage UBC students in thinking about sustainability.

The four prototypes are all Social Ecological Economic Development Studies (SEEDS) projects, unique partnerships between students and faculty (in engineering, physics, theatre and architecture, among other departments), staff and Campus Sustainability, who oversee the SEEDS program. And all four have been funded by the AMS Sustainability Projects Fund.

  • Timber: a mechanical tree, to show nature’s resilience
  • Runoff: floating gardens, demonstrating cultural diversity and the effects of agricultural practices
  • Hourglass: an interactive hourglass highlighting water issues
  • Clouds and Light: interactive clouds that generate light via a system of pulleys

The four teams are competing to create a sculptural centerpiece for the atrium of the New SUB atrium. The sculptures have to be creative and artistic, while proposing concrete ways to reduce UBC’s ecological footprint and promote sustainable behaviour among students. Every effort should be made to use recycled materials or new materials that are locally and sustainably sourced.

Check out the four prototypes and have your say in which project you want to see in the New SUB! The show runs October 15–19 from noon to 1:30, on the main floor of SUB. Follow the signs to the New SUB Sustainability Art Showcase.