These events had various approaches and topics, from student-led clothing swaps and mending workshops to virtual sustainability scavenger hunts and a host of roundtable discussions on teaching the SDGs and charting institutional action pathways. Some campuses participated by hosting one or two events during the week, while others developed multiple events for each day of the week.
For full details on SDG Week 2024, visit www.sdgweekcanada.ca (for French, www.semaineoddcanada.ca).
At UBC, SDGs were celebrated through a week-long Transformative Solidarities Festival.
With the support of the partners, including the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions, UBC Exposure, and UBC Hatch Gallery, Sustainability Ambassadors developed ten carefully designed and articulated events, including a film screening and a cultural celebration; the themes of unlearning, learning and action were celebrated. Events included feature panels, film screenings, networking, cultural performances centring on climate-vulnerable communities, and knowledge-sharing from local organizations. Through this festival, the organizers hoped to collectively counter cycles of institutional silences and climate inaction by engaging, bringing together, and celebrating diverse communities across generations, disciplines, and academia. The festival directly engaged over 200 participants.
SDG Week Canada is an annual national collaboration featuring workshops, panels, and other interactive programming to increase awareness of and engagement with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on university and college campuses. Brought to you by the Sustainability Hub at UBC, SDSN Canada hosted by the University of Waterloo, and Colleges and Institutes Canada.