With over 400 faculty investigating sustainability-related topics at UBC, it can be hard to know where to start. We’ve curated a list of researchers with expertise across a wide range of disciplines.

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Forestry (Vancouver)
Forest and Conservation Sciences
Beaty Biodiversity Research Centre; cofounder of Treenomix (a foundation of genomics knowledge; promotes forest health and sustainable forest stewardship for future generations)
Arts (Vancouver)
Colonial Legal History; Critical Theory; Race and Racism; Oceans and Maritime Worlds; Focused on global food production, climate change, and forms of war, this project draws from anticolonial...
Forestry (Vancouver)
Forest Resources Management
Climate change planning, outreach, and community engagement; visioning methods and visualization of climate change causes, impacts, and mitigation/adaptation; low-carbon future scenarios visualized...

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Wang, Tongli

Forestry (Vancouver)
Forest and Conservation Sciences
Developing climate models; modeling climatic niches of forest ecosystems and tree species, and projecting their shift under a changing climate; building climate response functions for tree populations; developing climate-based seed transfer systems based on genecology and genomics

Wang, Liwei

Engineering (Okanagan)
renewable energy sources/integration

Warburton, Darren

Education (Vancouver)
School of Kinesiology
Health and Integrative Physiology. Sport cardiology and clinical exercise rehabilitation.

Warren, Mark

Arts (Vancouver)
Political Science
Democratic theory; new forms of citizen participation; new forms of democratic representation; the relationship between civil society and democratic governance; corruption of democratic relationships

Waterman, Stephanie

Science (Vancouver)
Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
Ocean dynamics; scale interactions; inter-relationships between various components of the oceanic circulation at different time and length scales; implications of these interactions for the large-scale circulation and the ocean's role in the climate system. GEOTRACES group

Weary, Daniel

Land and Food Systems (Vancouver)
Land and Food Systems
Animal welfare; dairy cow welfare issues

Webb, Taylor

Education (Vancouver)
Educational Studies
Philosophy of education, Policy, Research methodologies

Weber, Barbara

Education (Vancouver)
Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education
How children think about core philosophical and political topics including  nature, the environment, human and children’s rights, recognition, multiculturalism  and globalization

Wei, Adam

FoS (Okanagan)
eco-hydrological processes, wood ecology, soil productivity, forest ecosystem modeling

Weijs, Steven

Applied Science (Vancouver)
Civil Engineering
Water resources management and hydrology, with a special focus on the dynamics of uncertainty and information within that context; Flood Forecasting, Control of Water Systems

Weinberger, Kate

Medicine (Vancouver)
School of Population and Public Health
Environmental epidemiologist with an interdisciplinary background in climate science and environmental health; links between climate change and human health, especially changes in extreme weather events and aeroallergens; health impacts of extreme heat and the effectiveness of strategies to protect public health during extreme heat events.

Weis, Dominique

Science (Vancouver)
Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
Environmental geochemistry

Wetton, Brian

Science (Vancouver)
Modelling Li-ion batteries and other electrochemical energy systems. Accurate mathematical models can lead to simulation tools that allow design and performance optimization to be done cost effectively.

White, Katherine

Sauder School of Business (Vancouver)
Commerce and Business Administration
Social influence, social marketing, sustainability, prosocial consumption, corporate social responsibility

White, Marc

Medicine (Vancouver)
Family Practice
Primary care renewal; continuum of care; continuing medical education; patient advocacy; community engagement; rheumatoid arthritis; chronic musculoskeletal pain; health communication; disability prevention and return-to-work

White, Rachel

Science (Vancouver)
Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
Atmospheric Scientist with a focus on large-scale atmospheric dynamics. How large-scale atmospheric dynamics (circulation patterns, planetary-scale atmospheric waves...) contribute to extreme weather events such as heat waves and cold snaps. Fundamental aspects of our current climate, and how atmospheric circulation may change in the future under anthropogenic warming.

Whitehead, Lorne

Science (Vancouver)
Physics and Astronomy
Novel geometrical approaches to applied physics challenges, with a focus on the interactions of electromagnetic fields with microstructures; sunlighting system that guides direct sunlight deep into the interior of a building, thereby reducing the amount of electrical energy required for lighting

Whitton, Jeannette

Science (Vancouver)
Conservation policy, Species at risk

Wilkes, Rima

Arts (Vancouver)
Protest, media and First Nations, media and racism, immigration, Collective Action by Indigenous Nations, Media and social movements, Public Opinion, Immigration, Trust

Wilkinson, David

Applied Science (Vancouver)
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Waste water and drinking water treatment, solar fuels, carbon dioxide conversion, clean and sustainable energy and water
