Natural Resources
Policy, Economics & Governance
Production, Consumption & Waste
This project provides a global review of leading practices with respect to circular economy...
Climate Change & Energy
Data & Technology
Policy, Economics & Governance
BC's transition to a fossil-fuel-free transportation system brings with it a comprehensive...
Built Environment & Mobility
Ecological Systems
Policy, Economics & Governance
This research assesses the challenges and opportunities associated with obtaining mandatory home...
Natural Resources
Policy, Economics & Governance
This project examines alternate compliance approaches for private sites that may face specific...
Ecological Systems
Natural Resources
This project aims to establish and apply a method to evaluate the biodiversity of the Park Board's...
Human Well-being & Social Systems
Natural Resources
Policy, Economics & Governance
This report recommends methods to calculate the economic value of Vancouver's parks for three key...
Ecological Systems
Human Well-being & Social Systems
Natural Resources
Through the Greenest City Action Plan and other strategies, the City of Vancouver strives to...
Built Environment & Mobility
Ecological Systems
This report presents regenerative planting design strategies for green rainwater infrastructure (...
Climate Change & Energy
Policy, Economics & Governance
Production, Consumption & Waste
This project explores behaviour change approaches for a future campaign to encourage the voluntary...
Climate Change & Energy
Data & Technology
This project aims to address the challenges associated with urban freight and last-mile delivery by...
