Ecological Systems
Human Well-being & Social Systems
Production, Consumption & Waste
This report aims to probe the potential roles of and opportunities for non-profits operating...
Built Environment & Mobility
Human Well-being & Social Systems
Policy, Economics & Governance
This project involved a review of literature and global case studies, and included key informant...
Climate Change & Energy
This project aims to generate reflection, analysis, tools and recommendations on the climate crisis...
Human Well-being & Social Systems
Natural Resources
Policy, Economics & Governance
This discussion paper provides First Nations communities in BC with an overview of the domestic and...
Human Well-being & Social Systems
This project is focused on forging and establishing partnerships, both internal and external to UBC...
Human Well-being & Social Systems
This study explores how CCEL efforts have increased the overall capacity for faculty members to...
Human Well-being & Social Systems
Policy, Economics & Governance
This project addresses the COVID-19 amplification of barriers women in leadership experience and...
Human Well-being & Social Systems
Policy, Economics & Governance
Production, Consumption & Waste
This project explores the opportunities in Canadian law towards the shift from the linear economy...
Built Environment & Mobility
Ecological Systems
Natural Resources
This project aims to inform those involved in shoreline design with precedents and ideas for using...
Human Well-being & Social Systems
Policy, Economics & Governance
Racialized and Indigenous communities (and other historically marginalized groups) are often...
