Thursday, April 20, 2017 - 17:00

Thu, April 20, 2017 5:00 PM - 8:30 PM BEATY BIODIVERSITY CENTRE. By Donation & Cash Bar. Come by for a night at the museum!

Every month, the museum will stay open late with admission by donation between 5:00-8:30 pm, offering family-friendly activities. This month’s event is presented in partnership with Big Rock Brewing: join us for a special botanical presentations about every beer drinker’s favourite plant, the Humulus lupulus, also known as hops.

Ji Yong Yang, instructor at Langara Collage and Postdoctoral Fellow with the UBC Biodiversity Research Centre, will talk about using whole chloroplast DNA sequences as a tool for identification of plant varieties. He will provide examples about how this technique has been used to distinguish varieties of cacao and varieties of hops.

Jody Hammel, Brewmaster at Big Rock Brewing, has over 20 years of brewing experience, learning the trade in Berlin, Germany. Jody will then walk us through how hops are used in the brewing process and how they help him create new, innovative, and deliberately different beers.

A cash bar will be available. Beaty Museum members will receive one free drink ticket!

5:15 pm: Raising Big Blue showing in the auditorium
6:00 pm: Presentations under the whale
7:00 pm: Guided Museum Tour
All evening: Hands-on activities where you can learn more about specimens in the museum and our current exhibitions