Fume hoods at UBC consume up to 10 per cent of campus energy due to the large volume of air that needs to be heated or cooled and moved through them. Help save energy and Shut the Sash.

Shut the Sash Competition
Competition FAQs
Shut the Sash 2024
This past fall, Chemistry labs at UBC's Point Grey campus took part in the Shut the Sash competition. Their efforts have led to an estimated annual energy savings of 73,319 kWh! Replicating these practices across all variable air volume (VAV) fume hoods at UBC Vancouver would mean an estimated $24,200 in annual savings!
Thank you to the Chemistry Sustainability Committee for hosting this competition, and to all who participated. A big congratulations to the Borduas-Dedekind (NBD) and Gates labs for winning the prizes in the categories of Time Open and Most Improved for shutting the sash.
Shut the Sash 2022
Six labs in Chemistry D and E buildings competed over six weeks to determine who could save the most energy by shutting fume hood sashes when not in use. The competition was held from November 7 – December 18, 2021, where the energy used by fume hoods was monitored for two categories: 1) lowest time open overall and 2) most improved.
Over the competition, an estimated 47,100 kWh of energy was saved across 43 participating fume hoods. Replicating these practices across all variable air volume (VAV) fume hoods at UBC Vancouver, would result in an estimated $19,700 in annual savings.
Two lucky labs were the winners of the 2022 competition. Congratulations to the MacLachlan and Wolf Labs for winning the prizes in the categories of Time Open and Most Improved for shutting the sash.
Shut the Sash 2021
Seven labs in Chemistry D and E buildings competed over six weeks to determine who could save the most energy by shutting fume hood sashes when not in use. The competition was held from November 8 – December 19, 2021, and energy used by fume hoods was monitored throughout the competition.
“Labs are some of the most resource-intensive spaces in any industry due to their energy-intensive equipment, often around-the-clock operations, and high airflow rates,” Bud Fraser, Senior Planning and Sustainability Engineer explains. “The Shut the Sash competition saves energy and advances the university’s sustainability and Climate Action Plan goals by engaging researchers in safe and sustainable fume hood practices.”
Over the competition, an estimated 98,000 kWh of energy was saved across participating labs. Replicating these practices across all variable air volume (VAV) fume hoods at UBC Vancouver, would result in an estimated $29,800 in annual savings.
Two lucky lab teams were the winners of the 2021 competition. Congratulations to the Borduas-Dedekind and Mehr Labs for winning the prizes in the categories of Time Open and Most Improved for shutting the sash.
Shut the Sash 2020
Shut the Sash 2020 took place from November 3 to December 13 in Chemistry Buildings D and E. We saw an approximate 7 percent reduction in volume of air flow relative to pre-campaign data, translating into annual energy cost savings of approximately $5200 in Chemistry D and E alone. If these practices were replicated across all variable air volume (VAV) fume hoods at UBCV, this would result in an estimated $44,000 in annual savings. A huge thank you and congratulations to the folks in Chemistry D and E buildings for your efforts to conserve energy and shut the sash! A special congratulations to our two winning groups, Orvig and Fryzuk.