Saturday, November 21, 2015 - 13:30

Sat, November 21, 2015 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM UBC FARM. $47 ($40 for registered students -- valid student ID is required) + GST. Nov 21 – Mushroom Companions to the Garden, Orchard and Farm (Afternoon)

Growing mushrooms outdoors is one of the simplest and most natural forms of mushroom cultivation. Many delicious and medicinal mushrooms can be grown amidst your veggies, berries, bushes and trees- increasing your home-grown nutrition and boosting soil and plant ecosystem health. Mushrooms can also be grown in shadier areas where other types of growing are limited, and be used to filter runoff from chicken coops, or digest household and pet waste. We’ll learn how to assess your site for the best spots to incorporate fungi, and then learn hands-on how to make mushroom beds, logs, pathways, companion plant mushrooms within your veggie beds, and add beneficial mycorhizal fungi to your site.

Register and read more here!

About the Instructor

Danielle Stevenson is a fungi enthusiast living in 'Victoria' with 4 years of mushroom cultivation experience and a background in permaculture, organic food production and community-based work towards food sovereignty. She launched D.I.Y. Fungi to offer educational workshops and mushroom cultures (a.ka. “spawn”) for people of all ages to grow their own fungal food and medicine at their homes, gardens and farms; and to regenerate land and water systems by allying with fungi, plants, people and bacteria in ecological restoration and bioremediation projects.