Friday, January 22, 2021 - 11:00

Fri, January 22, 2021 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM See description. Speaker: Kristina Broeder, postdoctoral researcher, Dalhousie University

The Anthropocene is the age of unprecedented rates of change and loss. Rapidly evolving technologies and their subsequent impacts often outstrip legal and management systems that tend to be reactionary rather than pro-active in nature. The shortcomings of this approach have become increasingly obvious in global nature conservation - despite increasing protected area coverage global biodiversity is declining. This suggests that quantity is not the only solution to protect biodiversity. Especially in the marine realm the issue of ‘paper parks’, parks which have been declared but are either unimplemented or unenforced, has given rise to a discussion on how to implement effective conservation measures. Monitoring and increased understanding of current as well as future situations on and under the waves are crucial in this aspect and are aided by the rise of big data enabling large-scale observations and dynamic management of human impacts. Dr. Broeder will discuss the ongoing data revolution in this field and highlight the application of new technologies such as satellite-based vessel tracking for marine research and conservation policy as well as emerging frontiers such as the yet unfulfilled potential of better integrating the wealth of knowledge we already have to provide deeper insight into our changing oceans.