Thursday, March 23, 2017 - 14:00

Thu, March 23, 2017 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM MUSEUM OF ANTHROPOLOGY (MOA). Buen vivir is the indigenous concept of living well, in harmony with nature, and it is a central theme of the UBC Museum of Anthropology’s new exhibition: “Amazonia: The Rights of Nature.” In this workshop, participants will examine connections between buen vivir and the rights of nature, the right to a healthy environment, the virtues of nature, and virtue ethics in environmentalism. The goals will be to explore ways that buen vivir might be enshrined in constitutions, laws and policies. The public is also invited to a screening of the documentary “Green Rights: The Human Right to a Healthy World,” on Thursday, March 16 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm on Lecture Theatre 102, Lasserre Building.

Conveners: Dr. Maxwell Cameron (Dept. of Political Science, UBC) and Dr. Kenneth E. Sharpe (Dept. of Political Science, Swarthmore College)

David Richard Boyd
Silver Donald Cameron
Sheryl Lightfoot
Nuno Porto
Ken Sharpe
Lisa Sundstrom
This is a FREE event but registration is required.