Monday, April 10, 2017 - 14:09

Join us for a special tour UBC's Bioenergy Research and Demonstration Facility (BRDF) and see inside the award-winning facility that produces renewable energy on campus. The first of its kind in North America, the system processes renewable biomass to generate hot water for heating campus buildings. The system reduces UBC’s reliance on fossil fuels, provides a quarter of campus heating needs, and eliminates 14% of campus greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, a 2MW cogeneration engine uses Renewable Natural Gas to generate over 5% of the power for UBC’s electrical grid, while waste heat is used for heating buildings. The BRDF continues to receive attention as a Campus as a Living Laboratory project, integrating UBC’s core academic mandate of research and teaching with our district infrastructure and business operations.

Event Details
Date: April 20th, 2017
Location: Bioenergy Research & Demonstration Facility, 2337 Lower Mall, Vancouver
Tour Times: 11:45AM | 12:30PM

Tour Guides
The tours will kick off at the fuel loading bay of the BRDF and will last approx. 35 minutes. The tours will be led by Jeff Giffin, Energy Conservation Manager and Joshua Wauthy, Energy Conservation Engineer with UBC Energy and Water Services.

As spaces are limited for both tours, please register to secure your spot!