Emilly Doyle-Yamaguchi is a graduate student in the Faculty of Forestry who made the choice to live within cycling distance of campus.

How did you get into biking to school?

It is faster and more convenient than driving or taking the bus. 

What’s the most important tip you would you give to someone who is new to bike commuting?

Safety is a given, so make sure your bike fits properly (eg. right size, right seat height), gears shift smoothly and tires are properly inflated. This will make the riding much easier and more fun! 

What fuels you to bike?

Keeping my immune system in good shape. I've noticed that I am much less likely to catch a cold or flu when I exercise daily. Bike commuting is an easy way to fit it in.   

Multiple Choice: Which one of these is the most challenging for you? A) the hill B) the rain C) the sweat or D) the distance? E) other____

E) My motivation when I wake up. Some days I really don't want to bike. But I convince myself to do it anyway and I am always glad I did.

How do you conquer this challenge?

By remembering the great feeling I get after I've biked.

Join your colleagues on the road and register for Bike to Work (& School) Week now.