Connect virtually to institutions across Canada hosting informative, capacity-building events, and gain diverse perspectives on SDG engagement and research.

Connectez-vous en ligne avec des institutions à travers le Canada qui organisent des événements informatifs et de renforcement des capacités, et obtenez diverses perspectives sur l'engagement et la recherche sur les ODD.

Monday, Mar 6/lundi 6 mars


Panel: Introducing the USask Sustainability Fellows 

In this 1-hour panel (available in-person and online), the new USask Sustainability Faculty Fellows will discuss embedding learning for sustainability in their courses and how connecting to the SDGs can impact teaching. This initiative is led out of the Provost's office with Fellows receiving support from the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning.

Presented by the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching & Learning, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan




Panel de Discussion du GCIUS sur la Résilience Economique d’une Communauté de Femmes en Côte d’Ivoire

Ce panel de discussion animé par le GCIUS présentera le projet CAJOUS visant l'augmentation de l'autonomisation économique et sociale d'une coopérative agricole de femmes au village de Sokala-Sobara en Côte d'Ivoire. En débutant par la revalorisation de résidus agricoles produits localement, la coopérative de femmes aura accès à une activité économique supplémentaire pour augmenter l'autonomie des femmes et leur permettre de développer leur expertise dans une optique de développement durable.

Presented by the Service de Soutien à la Formation, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec

register/inscrivez-vous ici



What Are Open Educational Practices and How Do I Get Started? 

This session will introduce participants to the various aspects of open educational practices (OEP), including open educational resources (OER) and open pedagogy. Participants will also learn how to start engaging in OEP at USask.

Presented by the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching & Learning, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


Tuesday, Mar 7/mardi 7 mars


Teaching the SDGs

Panel exploring innovations in teaching about the Sustainable Development Goals.

Event organized by the Sustainability Hub, Student Health and Wellbeing, and SDSN Canada. Part of SDG Week Canada.



1-2:30PM EST | ENG | university of waterloo

Accelerating Progress Through Collaboration: Panel Discussion

This panel discussion will bring together voices from the Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism (EDI-R), the Office of Indigenous Relations, Campus Wellness, and the Sustainability Office at the University of Waterloo. Together, the panelists will discuss how the work across these four portfolios connects, how work across and between teams can be mutually supporting, and how our campus community can continue to create meaningful impact together.

Presented by the Sustainability Office, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario




Educating for Tomorrow's Unknowns: Sustainability Front and Centre

Climate change or rising inequalities, whether happening locally or in other parts of the world, do not only impact our individual future but are central for collective action in tackling these and other global challenges. How can we understand global issues? How can we learn to live happily, sustainably, and ethically without the feeling of only cutting back? What does this exactly mean for educators, parents, and students? Join us for a public lecture on 7 March 2023 at 7 pm (EST) on the potential of educating for a sustainable future for young people to become global citizens in this complicated world.

Presented by the Faculty of Education, York University, Toronto, Ontario



fr | Université de Sherbrooke


Cette conférence présentée par Josianne Lamothe, professeure à la Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines, porte sur l’éco-traumatisme et ses impacts sur la santé des personnes affectées. Avec l’augmentation du nombre et de l’ampleur des catastrophes naturelles dans le monde, de plus en plus de personnes sont touchées par celles-ci, tant directement qu’indirectement. Pre Lamothe vous présentera donc les constats de ses recherches sur l’éco-traumatisme, les solutions et les structures à mettre en place, ainsi que le soutien à apporter aux victimes.  

Presented by Service de soutien à la formation, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec

inscrivez-vous ici 

Wednesday, Mar 8/mercredi 8 mars

1-2PM CST | ENG | university of SASKATCHEWAN

Panel: Using Open Educational Practices to Address Institutional and Community Priorities 

While there is no mention of open educational practices in the strategic priorities at the University of Saskatchewan, OER and other open practices are seen as valuable methods of advancing those priorities. This panel will include two faculty members and an educational developer sharing open educational practices that are being used and can be used moving forward to advance Indigenization, sustainability, and equity, diversity, & inclusion (EDI).

Presented by the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching & Learning, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan




Track Your Social Impact

TRACK, MEASURE and REPORT your SOCIAL IMPACT. Adopting Common Measures, a Gov of Canada SDG Unit funded project brings to you a free workshop to:

- Learn 5 essential practices to track your social impact
- Access to Impact Dashboard platform to consistently track your data
- Strengthen your network within an impact-focused community
- Peer and experiential learning to support the process

Presented by Social Innovation Canada, Toronto, Ontario



3-4:30PM MST | ENG | university of calgary

Climate Justice and Artistic Practices

Learn from the amazing panel of artists and discover how artistic practices are making a huge impact in how we talk about climate change, implement climate action, and imagine a healthy future. Increase your knowledge on ways that artistic practices can bring together diverse voices, stories, and experiences to:

  • Support transformative conversations and community;
  • Influence wider cultural conversations on climate change to advance climate justice; and 
  • Empower people to take action.

Presented by Office of Sustainability, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta



4-5PM CST | ENG | university of SASKATCHEWAN

Panel: International Women’s Day - STEMM and the SDGs 

Join us for this virtual event featuring women in STEMM (Science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine) from the University of Tasmania. In collaboration with the University of Saskatchewan, these accomplished women will reflect upon the impact of openly sharing research and resources, aligning research with the SDGs, and why inclusion in STEMM matters.

Presented by the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching & Learning, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan



7-8:45PM eST | ENG | University of Ottawa

Green Careers for Management Students

Interactive webinar with panelists specifically for management students so that those who wonder how they can contribute to environmental sustainability when they graduate are better informed about job opportunities that are out there.

Presented by the Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario


Thursday, Mar 9/jeudi 9 mars

1-2PM EST | ENG | humber college

Radical Imagination Workshop

Join this session, co-facilitated by ReImagine17, for an introduction to the SDGs and to take a closer look at them through a radical imagination frame.

Presented by Office of Sustainability, Humber College, Toronto, Ontario



1-4PM EST | ENG | humber college

La contribution des activités de recherche à l’atteinte des ODD

Dans le cadre de la semaine des ODD du Canada, l’École de technologie supérieure accueillera, le 9 mars prochain, l’événement conjoint intitulé « La contribution des activités de recherche à l’atteinte des ODD ». Une introduction aux 17 ODD servira de préambule aux différentes perceptions du développement durable et au rôle de la recherche dans l’atteinte de ces 17 objectifs. Un panel varié de chercheurs proposera une discussion étoffée sur l’utilisation des ODD, tant dans leur objet d’étude que dans leur méthodologie. Par la suite, des exemples concrets de l’utilisation des ODD qui visent à mettre en évidence toutes les façons dont la recherche universitaire contribue à l’atteinte des ODD (par la voie de la connaissance, de la collaboration et de la mobilisation) vous seront présentés. Réservez votre place dès maintenant! 

Presented by Secrétariat général, École de technologie supérieure, Montreal, Quebec



3-4PM MST | ENG | university of calgary

Students Leading Students: Key Learnings from a Student-led Model for Engaging with the SDGs

Spanning almost 6 years since its formation, the Sustainable Development Goals Alliance (SDGA) at the University of Calgary has remained a strong voice on campus and in the community for action on the SDGs. As a student-run organization, with a unique institutional partnership, the SDGA has developed programming, distributed microgrant funding, and built grassroots student engagement with the SDGs. Through this webinar, participants can expect to learn more about this model and the key learnings gained from students involved in the SDGA. The use of similar student-led models in post-secondary institutions offers yet another avenue for students, staff, and faculty to build collective capacity for action on the SDGs.

Presented by Office of Sustainability, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta



4-5PM CST | ENG | university of SASKATCHEWAN

Increasing Sustainability with Students as Co-Creators and Collaborators for Open Educational Resources

This session will introduce participants to the various aspects of open educational practices (OEP), including open educational resources (OER) and open pedagogy. Participants will also learn how to start engaging in OEP at USask.

Presented by the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching & Learning, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


Friday, Mar 10/vendredi 10 mars

9am-5pm utc-5 | fr | Université Laval

Perspective de Coalition Entre L'équité, la Diversité, L'inclusion et les Objectifs de Développement Durable

L’évènement vise à accélérer la mise en oeuvre des pratiques d’équité, de diversité et d’inclusion dans les organisations sous le regard des objectifs de développement durable des Nations Unies.

Les conférences serviront à révéler les enjeux de l'EDI dans notre société alors que la table ronde permettra de concrétiser le lien entre EDI et les ODD en mettant à l'épreuve les concepts par des pratricien·ne·s expérimenté·e·s.

Cet évènement permettra de tisser des liens, de partager des ressources et d’entamer le dialogue à partir d’exemples de pratiques organisationnelles visant l’équité, la diversité et l’inclusion. Il servira aussi à mettre en valeur les bonnes pratiques de certaines organisations.

Event organized by Vice-rectorat aux affaires internationales et au développement durable, Université Laval, Quebec, Quebec

register/inscrivez-vous ici



Webinar: The New Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

How the global community negotiated an ambitious plan to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030. Presented by Basile van Havre, Co-Chair for the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Open-Ended Working Group tasked with the development of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. 

Event organized by the School of the Environment and the Sobey School of Business, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia



10 -11AM PST MARCH 10 | ENG | University of british columbia

Exploring the Impact of the Global Biodiversity Framework

The Convention on Biological Diversity has just ratified its newest policy to guide global conservation for the next decade: The Kunming-Montreal Framework for Global Biodiversity. The previous framework, the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, was adopted in 2010 and expired in 2020. The post-2020 framework builds on the progress made under the Aichi targets and includes new and ambitious goals to be achieved by 2030. Join UBC Students in exploring the significance of the Kunming-Montreal Framework for Global Biodiversity, including the key developments of the Framework, as well as the important takeaways at a local level. Open to the UBC Community, be sure to stick around afterwards for "The Role of Emotions in Saving the Planet: An Existential Toolkit for the Climate Movement" with Dr. Sarah Ray afterwards!

Presented by the Sustainability Ambassadors, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia 




Emotions and Saving the Planet

An Existential Toolkit for the Climate Movement.

Event organized by the Sustainability Hub and Student Health and Wellbeing. Part of SDG Week Canada.




Democratising Education for Global Sustainability & Justice: Building Capacity for Law & Policy Innovation to Advance the SDGs

Are you interested in shaping a new, online certification in global sustainability and justice? Could you learn how law/policy reform can promote the world’s SDGs, the UNFCCC Paris Agreement, the new CBD Global Biodiversity Framework and a Wealth Economy? Would you advance your global law/policy career through world-class mentorship, engagement and networking? Democratising education, this event focuses on a current, crucial 'capacity chasm' that is gaping, world-wide, in law/policy skills to implement international law on the SDGs. We explore a new and innovative online education programme, discovering scholarships to pilot new online courses and ideas for global sustainability careers progression.

Event organized by the Faculty of Law, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia



9am EET | ENG | Eduix ltd

AI-based SDG Scorecard

At the halfway point, and aware of the remaining challenges to achieve the SDGs, higher education institutions around the globe are engaging with them in their everyday pedagogical and administrative practices across subjects and work fields. This workshop will briefly present how universities have been addressing the SDGs through three main fronts: education planning, organizational governance, and external leadership/impact, focusing mainly on the curriculum aspects of them (education planning). In addition, we will introduce an internationally unique artificial intelligence (AI)-based tool that can analyze and compare education programs and curricula to SDGs. 

Presented by the Education Department, Eduix ltd, Tampere, Finland



11AM - 1PM EST | ENG | university of waterloo

Sustainability Education at the Post-Secondary Level: Creating a Workforce for Tomorrow's Challenges

In partnership with Environment and Climate Change Canada and SDSN Canada, the Sustainability Literacy Initiative is presenting a virtual 2-part panel on the importance of post-secondary sustainability education in creating a resilient workforce. Coinciding with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Action and Awareness Week, this panel will highlight the role of education in creating a workforce to tackle tomorrow's challenges effectively.

Presented by the Sustainability Literacy Initiative/ SDSN Youth Network in Canada, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario

register (official link to come)



Explorer les Objectifs de Développement Durable: Une intro pour les étudiant.e.s et chercheur.e.s

Venez découvrir les objectifs de développement durable (ODD) lors d’une formation virtuelle interactive et apprenez à mieux les intégrer à votre recherche. Lors de ce premier événement d’une série d’activités qui s’adressent aux étudiant.e.s de 2e et 3e cycles cherchant à se former sur les enjeux du développement durable, à collaborer avec d'autres disciplines ou encore à mieux comprendre comment mettre en avant leurs projets de recherche dans les demandes de financements, vous serez invité.e à participer à une introduction générale et à un atelier/quizz pour mieux comprendre les ODD et leurs liens avec la recherche. 

Presented by the Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Opérationnalisation du Développement Durable (CIRODD), École de technologie supérieure, Montreal, Quebec

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