Production, Consumption & Waste
Do you have surplus items, or are you looking to purchase new items on campus? reuse-it! UBC is a...
Production, Consumption & Waste
Every day, thousands of UBC staff, faculty members and students purchase goods and services that...
Production, Consumption & Waste
Reducing waste is the most important way we can improve waste management. At UBC, we have a number...
Production, Consumption & Waste
At UBC, we separate our waste into four main streams: food scraps, containers, paper, and garbage...
Production, Consumption & Waste
UBC collaborated with Metro Vancouver and the City of Vancouver on a Zero Waste Food Ware Strategy...
Production, Consumption & Waste
A 50% reduction in waste disposal by 2030 is an ambitious target. UBC’s Zero Waste Action Plan is...
Production, Consumption & Waste
Come test your recycling and waste reduction knowledge by playing the Recycling Trivia interactive...
Climate Change & Energy
Production, Consumption & Waste
The City of Vancouver is working towards zeroing its carbon emissions. Goods and services procured...
Production, Consumption & Waste
Vancouver is home to a wide range of establishments that support reuse activities. While there are...