Showcase demonstrates the quality of Sustainability Scholars' work, and the role the program...
Built Environment & Mobility
Climate Change & Energy
Policy, Economics & Governance
As part of the UBC Climate Action Plan 2030 (CAP 2030) goals to reduce our extended emissions, the...
Climate Change & Energy
Does your lab have cold storage? Get involved in the International Freezer Challenge!
Climate change and its effects are now the focus of a new area of study at UBC, where several...
Welcome to another episode from our podcast series on sustainability and climate action brought to...
Built Environment & Mobility
Climate Change & Energy
The report explores passive and active technical options to retrofit Strata residential buildings...
Climate Change & Energy
Human Well-being & Social Systems
This is the first progress review on the climate emergency at UBC since the Board of Governors and...
Climate Change & Energy
Policy, Economics & Governance
Who pays for climate breakdown? Is Biden going to COP27 to clinch a climate deal? Will the voices...
Climate Change & Energy
Policy, Economics & Governance
How long has Big Oil denied their role in climate change? Featuring The Petroleum Papers: Inside...
Climate Change & Energy
This project aimed to estimate the carbon sequestration, pollution removal, and stormwater...
