Angelica Poversky and Kelsey McDougall, creators of Green Flux, talk about the upcoming art competition and how they conceived the idea.
In a nutshell, what is the Green Flux competition?
The Green Flux competition is an opportunity for students to submit multi-media artwork (photography, spoken word and digital art) depicting themes of sustainability and environmental social change at UBC. Green Flux looks for students that are interested in exploring ideas of innovative art forms and collaboration. The submissions will be presented on LED signage throughout campus as cool art interruptions, and at a final exhibition to display their work on November 8th at the BC Hydro Theatre at CIRS.
Where did the idea to join photography, spoken word poetry, and sustainability come from?
The original SEEDS project was based on the concept of “photovoice,” which believes ndividual storytelling through images can lead to social change. As Bachelor of Media Studies students, we have a strong interest in photography, communication and storytelling, and the idea for merging domains arose from our interdisciplinary program.
Why now?
We believe that we’re currently at a critical point where we need to focus on promoting sustainability and new ways of thinking both about art and its role in promoting discussions around the environment. Specifically right now, with all the great initiatives that the UBC Sustainability Institute is leading, and the projects supported by SEEDS, we believe it’s important to take an arts perspective on the dialogue.
What are you looking for from artists and what’s in it for them?
We’re looking for artists to think about sustainability in a critical and positive way. We welcome unique and abstract interpretations, something that makes us think, or cackle, or cry. The artists can expect to have their pieces displayed across campus on the LED signage, have a chance to collaborate with poets to create a multimedia work, and have their work exhibited in November. There's also a great prize incentive!
Are there any big ideas you’d like to see the audience and participants take away from the exhibition?
Usually when students get graded on an assignment in an art class, it doesn't reach the community and doesn't necessarily get immersed in the public or discussed. We hope to give people an opportunity to make something meaningful that will be celebrated on campus and shown to as many eyes as possible.
Like all art, we want there to be meaningful discussion about what the work has articulated. Hopefully, folks will be able to think about these themes in new ways, and perhaps gain a new perspective. You know, start a little “seed” in a brain or two!