Monday, April 10, 2017 - 14:04

The year is 2100 and you live in a dystopic future where the City of Delta has failed to address climate change adequately – it has been affected by sea-level rise, storm surges, heat waves & fires, and communities are facing food shortages, high-prices, increased traffic and pollution. You have been given an opportunity to travel back in time and see if you can change the future!

The Collaborative for Advanced Landscape Planning (CALP) at UBC Vancouver and the Centre for Culture & Technology (CCT) at UBC Okanagan have developed an interactive educational videogame – Future Delta 2.0 that that hopes to narrow the gap between climate change science & action. This research brings together methods from commercial gaming and participatory research to address climate change in an innovative place-based gaming environment. The game was co-designed with high school teachers and students in the Delta School District, and evaluated as a proof-of-concept in Social Studies and Science classrooms. The project explores how simulated future scenarios in the residents’ own neighbourhoods may act as motivation for behavioural change and civic engagement. The purpose of the Future Delta 2.0 videogame is to enable high school students to experience the choices and decisions that are involved in making Delta an attractive and resilient low-carbon community. The project hopes to personalize climate change solutions and communicate those less tangible longer-term impacts of how our actions today, impacts the quality of life tomorrow.

Meet the makers behind the game and have a go at changing the future!

Event Details
Date: April 21st, 2017
Time: 12:00M - 1:00PM
Location: 2nd floor Atrium, Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability (CIRS), 2260 West Mall

This event is free but advanced registration is advised!  Register today to secure your spot!