Friday, November 18, 2016 - 11:00

Fri, November 18, 2016 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS RESEARCH LABORATORY (AERL). Speaker: Mimi Lam, Research Associate; Policy & Ecosystem Restoration in Fisheries

Fisheries science has focused on gathering more data to sustainably manage aquatic resources, but despite this, global fisheries are declining, seafood security is jeopardized, and biodiversity is threatened. The management of aquatic resources requires a values- and ecosystem-based approach, as values are embedded in the acquisition and interpretation of data in any science-based assessments and policy decisions. To help bridge the crippling chasm often separating fisheries research, policy, and practice, decision-making should be informed by both evidence and ethics to effect an equitable distribution of benefits and harms from shared fishery resources. Informed decision-making requires the characterization and integration of different types and sources of knowledge - and their uncertainties - and inclusion of societal values and goals through dialogue with diverse audiences. I illustrate this with a case study of the Haida Gwaii herring fishery conflict, where the traditional spawn-on-kelp food fishery of the indigenous Haida community is being jeopardized by the commercial roe herring fishery. By comparing local Haida Gwaii community values and preferences of alternative herring fishery management scenarios with their modelled ecological impacts and risks, we are working to facilitate collaborative governance solutions that achieve sustainable and just fishery outcomes.

Dr. Mimi E. Lam is a Research Associate at the University of British Columbia in the Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries and in the Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences.

Location: AERL 120

IOF Seminars: Invited speakers present the latest research in a wide range of disciplines related to freshwater systems, the oceans and fisheries. These seminars draw a diverse audience, leading to thought-provoking discussions and a sharing of new ideas and perspectives.