UBC researchers have designed and built a structure that sets a new standard for sustainability. Global BC’s Brian Coxford visited the Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability (CIRS) to report on how CIRS is reshaping sustainable building design and research.

No water from rain or sewage leaves CIRS. Rainwater collected on the roof is stored and purified and they drink it in the building. Purified water is also used to irrigate the green roof. The water in the toilets has been reclaimed from sewage in a treatment facility in the basement.

“We’re wasting nothing, no wastewater generated in this building goes back into the municipal systems,” said Alberto Cayuela, associate director of the UBC Sustainability Initiative.  "It’s all treated here, and the nutrients are used to feed the plants."

Scientists in the building also conduct research to find sustainable solutions. PhD student Amir Abbas is working on a project to reduce energy use and germs in hospital with better ventilation.

The public are welcome to visit CIRS and learn about how this living laboratory is at the forefront of rethinking sustainable building design. Tours are available regularly throughout the summer.

You can view the Global BC report on their website.