Review learning objectives and criteria before completing the application from to join the program and selecting a stream: Engage, Amplify, or Lead.

Once enrolled in the Canvas course, you can submit and complete the criteria required for certification under the selected stream. Once all the required criteria are completed, Sustainability Hub staff will validate your submission for certification.


Get Started

Learn about sustainability and climate action by joining this stream. Explore sustainability at your own pace!

Enroll - Current UBC students

Enroll - staff, faculty, alumni, and community members


Get Started

Amplify your impact as a sustainability facilitator and get certified for your leadership.

Enroll - Currrent UBC students

Enroll - staff, faculty, alumni, and community members


Get Started

Advance your leadership competencies and get recognized for your advocacy on and off campus.

Enroll - current UBC students

Enroll - staff, faculty, alumni, and community members