Friday, January 6, 2017 - 12:00

Fri, January 6, 2017 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM C. K. CHOI BUILDING FOR THE INSTITUTE OF ASIAN RESEARCH. Free. Please note this event takes place in Room 120, C.K. Choi Building, 1855 West Mall V6T 1Z
Please RSVP. If you cannot attend the event in person, you can watch the web stream on the Eventbrite page.
Everyone welcome. Pizza provided.

Over the past several months the Trudeau government has made some major choices about energy and environmental policy for Canada: it rejected one oil sands pipeline, approved two, and came to an agreement with the provinces on a climate plan that makes substantial progress towards meeting Canada’s international targets. This panel of UBC experts and community representatives assesses these decisions and discusses what’s next.

Moderated by: Sara Muir-Owen, Program Manager, Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions

Simon Donner, UBC Geography: The climate math of Canada’s updated policies
Kathryn Harrison, UBC Political Science: Federal-provincial dynamics in climate politics
George Hoberg, UBC Liu Institute: Pipeline politics
Stewart Muir, ResourceWorks: Social development issues
Eugene Kung, West Coast Environmental Law: First Nations legal issues
Christianne Wilhelmson, Georgia Strait Alliance: Environmental group perspective

Co-sponsored by the Liu Institute for Global Issues and the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions.