Friday, July 17, 2015 - 11:00

Fri, July 17, 2015 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM WALTER C. KOERNER LIBRARY. free. NVivo's classification capabilities will help you to add demographic data to your nodes and bibliographic data to your sources. Datasets allow you to import and work with tabular material from spreadsheets, database tables, surveys, and social media. If you're comfortable with the basics of NVivo - importing sources, creating nodes, and coding - and would like to explore new ways of working with qualitative data, this workshop is for you!

NOTE: You will need to bring your own laptop if you want to try using NVivo in this workshop, as the software is not available on library computers. You can download a trial version online.

Location: Koerner Library, Room 217

This event is part of the Koerner Library Research Commons workshop series.