Thursday, March 9, 2017 - 19:00

Thu, March 9, 2017 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM UBC FARM. $39 ($32 student pricing) + GST. Description

Learn to make Probiotic Soda a.k.a. Ginger ‘Beer’ with us for an evening!

This beginner level workshop will go over the following topics:

Basics around traditional fermentation methods.
Basic theories on microbes: what are they, and how can they affect your digestion, immunity and mood.
Commonly found foods that you can incorporate into your microbe-aware diet.
How to make fruit based water kefir soda
Hands-on activity: Start your own Probiotic Soda (a.k.a. Ginger Beer). Please bring a 1 litre glass jar with a lid.

Participants each take home their own ‘ginger bug’ which is a Ginger ‘Beer’ starter (non-alcoholic).

About the Instructor

Lindsay Anne RHN (Registered Holistic Nutritionist), is also a Farmer-Fermentationist. Lindsay loves to engage people in the world of microbes, whether in your food, gut, or garden. She works as assistant farm manager at A Rocha, a 120 member CSA in South Surrey, and manages a community garden here in Vancouver. After experiencing first hand commercial sauerkraut and kimchi production, she now teaches workshops for the general public on how to create yummy probiotic foods.