Sign up for UBC's climate- and sustainability-related newsletters for campus and program updates, opportunities to get involved, and resources to help you make an impact.

UBC Sustainability News

UBC Sustainability News features current events, courses and updates on sustainability teaching, learning and research at UBC from the UBC Sustainability Initiative. The newsletter is produced monthly, with occasional extra updates for key events.

Campus + Community Planning Newsletter

The Campus + Community Planning Newsletter provides monthly updates from Campus + Community Planning, including updates on campus planning, climate action, transportation and sustainability-related highlights.

Workplace Sustainability News

Workplace Sustainability News for UBC employees delivers news, activities and learning opportunities, sustainability initiatives from fellow employees, and tips for integrating sustainable practices and climate action into your workplace and routines, brought to you by the Sustainability Coordinator Program. Produced every two months.

Green Labs Newsletter

The Green Labs Newsletter provides information, ideas and stories to encourage faculty and staff members to perform research activities in a safe and environmentally sustainable manner.

UBC Farm Newsletter

The UBC Farm Newsletter features current events and stories from the UBC Farm including our latest research and academic projects, updates on the Saturday and Wednesday Markets, volunteer opportunities, public events, workshops and more.

Healthy UBC Newsletter

The Healthy UBC Newsletter comes out monthly for those who are interested in health and wellbeing topics at UBC.