Do you or your lab use water condensers for your research? 

Single-pass water condensers require large quantities of water, which is neither economical nor environmentally friendly. In many instances, waterless condensers can be used instead of traditional water-based condensers for synthesis reactions in chemistry. Waterless condensers help laboratories conserve water, avoid flooding from a disconnected tube, and are even easier to set up than water condensers.

UBC Green Labs is offering waterless condensers to researchers to test out prior to investing in new equipment. Please complete this request form to express your interest in trying out one of the condensers.


  • Asynt CondenSyn Waterless Air Condenser webpage
  • Radleys Findenser Super Air Condenser webpage

Research Papers

  • ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Introducing a Novel and Highly Efficient Water-Saving Condenser by Matthew Grist, Dave Perkins and David M. Barber. Paper link.
  • Journal of Chemical Education, Waterless Condensers for the Teaching Laboratory: An Adaption of Traditional Glassware by Erich W. Baum, John J. Esteb and Anne M. Wilson. Paper link.
  • MyRoche Magazine, Minor Cause - Major Effect, Case study at Roche in Switzerland. Paper link.