Wednesday, March 6, 2013 - 05:30

Wed, March 6, 2013 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM See description. Free. Presenters:

Dr. Gerald Fallon, Assistant
Professor, Faculty of Education – Department of Educational Studies, University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
Dr. Jerald Paquette,Professor, Faculty of Education, Eductional Leadership and Policy, The University of Western Ontario
Dr. Michael Marker, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education - Department of Educational Studies, University of British Columbia

The purpose of this presentation is to provide to First- and non-First Nation educators, scholars and policy makers alternative perspectives that can reshape research on educational leadership in First Nation education with new imaginings that question fundamentally the cultural-political-economic-space defined by Euro-centred notion of modernity. In dealing with issues around alternative conceptions of educational leadership we address two questions in a First Nations setting: (1) in what socio-cultural paradigm and epistemic framework, should we ground our
view of relations among persons, and between them and their environment, in order to open up promising spaces for action on the part of those located outside a Euro-centric epistemic and ontological field as well as on the part of stakeholders living and working mainly within that field; (2) How could this paradigm assist us in formulating a conception of educational leadership that increases the leverage of First Nations education in constructing alternative sociocultural and educational worlds not grounded in the Eurocentric modernity?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013 | 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. | Ponderosa G Lounge
2044 Lower Mall, Vancouver BC V6T 1Z2

The University of Western
Ontario, London, Ontario

Dr. Michael Marker, Associate Professor – Department of Educational Studies, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver,