Monday, January 26, 2015 - 17:30

Mon, January 26, 2015 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM UBC Point Grey Campus. The annual Splane Lecture features Graham Riches, Emeritus Professor, former Director of the UBC School of Social Work.

Title: Confronting First World Hunger: Charity or the Right to Food
Presenter: Graham Riches, Emeritus Professor and former Director of the UBC School of Social Work
Respondent: Professor Margot Young, Faculty of Law, UBC
5:30pm, followed by a reception

RSVP to or 604-822-1672

The whittling away of the welfare state in Canada and elsewhere has witnessed the steady growth of the food charity industry. Cross-national research points to the ineffectiveness of food charity as offering a long term solution. The Human Right to Adequate Food, together with food policy informing integrated agriculture, income redistribution, public health and social policies offer alternative approaches born of collective social responsibility. Public policy does matter, as does political will. Will BC and Canada step forward?

Graham Riches is Emeritus Professor and former Director of the UBC School of Social Work (1998-2008). He has practiced community development around the globe before embarking on a career in university social work education.

Sponsored by:
UBC’s School of Social Work
The United Nations Association in Canada
World Federalist Movement - Vancouver Branch
UBC’s Liu Institute for Global Issues